Can Mosquitoes Bite Through Clothes?

Do mosquito bites ever seem to appear out of thin air? After all, you wear clothing each day and still wake up with red, itchy welts. It’s almost as if the insect pierced your favorite shirt to reach your skin. Can mosquitoes bite through clothes?

We know you’re itching to learn the answer, and this blog won’t disappoint.

The Shocking Truth About Mosquitoes and Clothing

Mosquitoes are a huge nuisance, but their tiny bodies can’t possibly bite you through a t-shirt, right? Surely the mosquito had to crawl under your clothing to drink your blood. That’s the only logical answer, correct?

Let’s cut to the chase: Do mosquitoes bite through clothes? In some instances, yes.

You read that correctly. Mosquitoes CAN and DO bite victims through certain fabrics. Although they prefer to go after bare skin, it is true that a thin shirt or flimsy pair of leggings won’t stop them.

The Type of Fabric Matters

Although mosquitoes can feast on your blood through your clothing, it’s not their preferred method. They will always look for exposed skin first. And there are some types of clothing mosquitoes can’t bite through. Thicker materials offer more protection than thin, breezy fabrics.

Here are some materials to avoid wearing outdoors:

  • Silk
  • Rayon
  • Linen
  • Thin cotton
  • Spandex

These fabrics tend to be on the lighter side and mosquitoes can quickly puncture these materials to reach your skin. That means you should leave your favorite leggings at home! (However, if you do suffer a bite, we’ve got tips for how to stop the itch.)

Can mosquitoes bite through jeans? They can, but they probably won’t try. Denim is a thick fabric, and a mosquito will most likely look for an easier target instead. Tightly woven fabrics and loose clothing also deter mosquitoes—and don’t forget to wear socks!

Because insect repellents, such as DEET, are not safe for use on babies, infants and very young children, clothing is the best way to protect them from mosquito bites. Instead, dressing children from head-to-toe is a better option. Thick fabrics are the best line of defense against bites!

What to Do When Clothing Isn’t Enough

Even if you take all the precautions and wear heavy-duty fabrics, you may still get mosquito bites. What gives? In most cases, the mosquito gets under your clothing before taking a drink. Gaps near the neckline, sleeves, or even buttons are perfect mosquito entryways.

Here’s what you can do about it:

  • Always pack plenty of insect repellent. Be sure to spray directly on your clothes but avoid getting it on your bare skin. DEET and other pesticides may cause skin reactions.
  • Light a fragrant citronella candle. Even though you may enjoy the aroma, mosquitoes can’t stand it. They’ll fly away and leave you alone.
  • Avoid standing water. Mosquitoes love moisture and humid environments. Remember to drain any buckets or containers in the yard.

The Power of a Mosquito Bite

Mosquitoes are one of the most hated insects in the world. Not only do their bites itch like mad, but they also spread serious, sometimes deadly diseases. West Nile and Zika are the most well known.

The symptoms of West Nile virus range from barely noticeable to deadly. While mild headaches and low fevers are the most common, some symptoms require immediate medical attention. In rare cases, encephalitis or meningitis may develop; both of which can cause permanent neurological damage or death.

Zika virus symptoms are usually mild, and most people recover quickly. However, Zika can cause birth defects. Doctors have reported cases of microcephaly (small heads) in infants born after Zika exposure, and pregnant women should avoid traveling to areas with Zika-carrying mosquitoes for this very reason.

The best way to prevent mosquito-borne illness is to avoid mosquitoes.

Prevent Mosquito Bites in Your Yard with Mosquito Joe

You want to enjoy the outdoors during the summer, but you don’t want to deal with itchy mosquito bites. Mosquito Joe has a proven solution for you. We offer barrier spray mosquito treatments and natural treatments to reduce mosquito populations.

Is the constant buzz of mosquitoes in your yard driving you crazy? Call Mosquito Joe today at 1-855-275-2563 or contact us online to schedule a full lawn treatment with our experts.


How to Get Rid of Fleas in My House

Ninja-like, disease-carrying, blood-sucking creatures. Sound like something from a horror movie? Guess again. It’s only fleas. That’s right, those pesky bugs Fido keeps bringing inside cause more than just itchy skin. And once fleas make their way indoors, it becomes your number-one priority to get rid of them. Luckily, we know how to stop an infestation in its tracks.

Keep reading if you want to know how to get rid of fleas in the house fast.

To Find a Flea, You Must Think Like a Flea

Fleas are tiny. Each is only a few millimeters long. Even if you manage to find a flea, catching one is another ballgame. Fleas can jump a staggering 12 inches into the air! Luckily, once you know their favorite hiding places, it’s easier to track and get rid of them.

Here’s where you should look:

  • Hiding in pet fur
  • On furniture—both for humans and pets
  • In the carpet
  • Under the covers

Deep cleaning is one of the best ways to reduce unwelcome flea infestations. Regular vacuuming will help pull both adults and eggs out of the carpet. Washing bedding in hot water will kill any nesting fleas.

Keep your eyes open for signs of a flea infestation. If you have pets, you may find traces of blood near their bed or favorite hangout spots. Trails of “dirt” may actually be flea feces. That’s right—insect poop. Use a flea comb to remove any live bugs. But be aware. Picking off fleas is just as tricky as removing a tick from a dog.

Why Are Fleas So Difficult to Eradicate?

There’s never just one flea. The moment you notice a high-hopping, fast-moving bug scurrying across your pet’s fur, assume there are thousands more of them. But, it takes more than just a can of bug spray to get rid of them. And any fleas in the house will continue to multiply until you get rid of every single one.

Why are fleas so much more challenging than other types of insects? Tackling a full-blown flea infestation requires several different treatments along with maintenance care. These critters have a unique life cycle: egg, larva, pupa and adult. You need a variety of approaches to target fleas during each stage. And if that isn’t enough to give you a case of the heebie-jeebies, a female flea can lay around 40 eggs every day of her life! It’s a non-stop circle of life (and not the heart-warming kind like in The Lion King).

When it comes to treating a flea infestation, consistency is key. Be warned, however, it may take several weeks and multiple treatments to fully eradicate them. Once you’re in the clear, be sure to schedule preventative treatments to keep them away.

Treating Fleas on Your Pet

The last thing your pet wants is a colony of fleas feasting on them. Not only do they cause incessant itching, but fleas can also transmit diseases and parasites. If you notice fleas on your cat or dog, it’s time to take action right away.

A quick dip in the bathtub is a great way to remove any live fleas. These insects are not very good swimmers and will try to escape. Flea collars, topical liquids and oral medications are other options. Ask your vet about the best preventative treatment to keep your animal flea-free all year long.

Put a Stop to Fleas in Your Yard

Now that you understand how to eradicate fleas in the house, it’s time to attack them in their natural habitat—outdoors. There are countless hiding places for fleas in your lawn. Grass, trees, and flowers are a few of their favorites.

But did you know fleas despise sunlight? They really are nature’s vampires. If you want to get rid of fleas in your yard, make sure you regularly mow the lawn, which can serve as a source of shade for them to hide under. Removing any loose brush or overhanging branches will also reduce places for the fleas to hide.

Turn to Mosquito Joe for Flea Control on Your Property

Besides basic lawn care, a barrier treatment from Mosquito Joe will keep fleas from invading your property. Not only does this treatment tackle fleas, but it also prevents ticks and mosquitoes. We know you don’t want fleas in the house, and our team will help you get rid of them once and for all.

Visit us online or call 1-855-275-2563 to request a quote from our flea exterminators.


Do All Ticks Carry Lyme Disease?


After spending a lovely day outdoors, you do a post-hike tick check and discover that one of these critters indeed came home with you. Eek! Your mind races. Do you know how to remove a tick properly? The bite from a tiny tick can have outsized consequences on the host. But staying calm is essential.

Carefully remove the tick, save it for later examination, and search for others on yourself and your companions. You know that ticks carry Lyme Disease. But do all ticks carry Lyme disease? It’s important to learn about Lyme disease symptoms to know if and when you should contact your healthcare provider. We’ll explore the connections between tick bites and Lyme disease to minimize confusion and clear up common misconceptions.

Tick Species and Lyme Disease

Let’s get straight to the point: Do all ticks carry Lyme disease? No, they don’t. There are about 850 tick species worldwide, with 90 species active in the United States. Only the infected ticks of two species spread Lyme disease. One is the blacklegged tick, also known as the deer tick (lxodes scapularis). The other is the western blacklegged tick (lxodes pacificus).

So, do all deer ticks carry Lyme disease? And do all western blacklegged ticks carry Lyme disease? The answer is no. Depending on the location, less than 1% to more than 50% of this species of ticks may be infected.

However, since Lyme disease symptoms can be so severe, staying alert is crucial. Not all ticks carry Lyme disease, but the risks posed by those that do are significant, so it’s best to be cautious.

When checking for deer ticks and western blacklegged ticks, note that both are small, have flat, oval bodies, and are usually reddish brown or orange brown with dark legs. However, their color and size change throughout different points of the tick life cycle. The western blacklegged ticks may have a slightly more oval shape but are mostly identified according to the location where they are found. Their U.S. presence is most dominant in the Pacific Coast states (California, Oregon, and Washington), but they have also appeared in some neighboring western states.

Deer ticks can be found throughout the eastern United States, but Lyme disease is most prevalent in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Minnesota, Maryland, Virginia, New Hampshire, Delaware, and Maine.

As for other species of ticks, it’s important to watch out for them too, because while all ticks do not carry Lyme disease, they can pose other dangers. In fact, there are many diseases that can be transmitted via tick bites.

These blood-feeding insects thrive throughout the United States and are always searching for a host. And both humans and animals—especially white-tailed deer and chipmunks—make for a tasty meal. Ticks like to live in wooded areas, grassy environments, and, unfortunately, your yard.

Understanding the Basics of Lyme Disease

A dangerous bacterium scientifically dubbed Borrelia burgdorferi causes Lyme disease in humans. You can only get this disease from ticks, and luckily, there’s no evidence that Lyme disease is contagious among humans.

There is a wide range of Lyme disease symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Infected persons often experience fever, aches, fatigue, and headaches. Problems with the heart, joints, and nervous systems are also common. In very rare cases, a person may die from Lyme disease. Treatment is typically a 10-to-21-day course of antibiotics that is most effective when taken as soon as possible. But even after taking antibiotics, some patients experience lifelong Lyme disease symptoms.

A bullseye-shaped rash may appear around the bite site after someone has been infected with Lyme disease. If you see this telltale sign, visit a doctor immediately.

Tick Life Stages and Infection Rates

Let’s explore the four stages of the tick life cycle to learn when the biters become infected with Lyme disease and when they can transmit it to people and pets.

  • Tick Egg: Tick eggs do not carry Lyme disease. But a single adult tick can lay thousands of eggs.
  • Tick Larva: Once the larval ticks hatch, they seek their first blood meal. If that host is infected with Lyme disease, the tick becomes a Lyme disease vector. White-footed mice are common hosts for tick larvae.
  • Tick Nymph: Nymphs become more active, feeding on multiple hosts. If they are infected with Lyme disease or additional pathogens, they will pass them to their hosts.
  • Tick Adult: Adult ticks and nymphs are happy to feed on humans, domestic pets, and other animals, infecting them with Lyme disease and other pathogens. Lyme disease transmission typically requires attachment lasting 18 to 24 hours or more. This is why prompt removal is critical to reduce the risk of exposure.

The complex tick life cycle can take up to three years to complete.

Risk of Contracting Lyme After a Bite

Being bitten by an infected tick doesn’t always cause Lyme disease if you remove the tick promptly. But it’s important to monitor the site for any reaction and stay on the lookout for Lyme disease symptoms. These can appear a few days or even several weeks after a bite. Early antibiotic treatment is vital for a fast recovery from Lyme disease, so see a doctor at the first indication of Lyme.

Are Flea Bites Dangerous

Some Risk Factors for Lyme disease:

Risk factors for contracting Lyme disease include:

  • Living in a heavily wooded area
  • Exposing a lot of skin while outdoors
  • Working an outdoor job
  • Having a tick attached to your skin for more than 36 hours

While not all tick species carry Lyme disease, many varieties do sometimes carry other diseases. After removing any tick from your body, watch for any signs of sickness. Again, not every tick will transmit disease, but any tick bite has the potential. So, it’s best to treat every tick bite with caution.

Preventing Tick Bites and Lyme Disease

The best way to prevent tick bites is to avoid their habitat. When you do wander outdoors, cover as much skin as possible. You should also keep your lawn manicured and remove any excess brush and fallen tree limbs. Always thoroughly examine yourself, your family, and your pets for ticks after each outdoor venture. Especially when traveling through preferred tick habitats: heavily wooded areas and areas with tall grass. Protect your property and consider using pesticide treatments to combat ticks.

The threat of ticks can be unsettling, but you don’t have to face it alone. Your local Mosquito Joe® provides exceptional outdoor pest control to help you enjoy the outdoors again.

What’s the Best Way to Get Rid Of Ticks In Your Yard?

Contact Mosquito Joe® for Effective Tick Control

So, now you know the answer to the question, “Do all ticks carry Lyme disease?” You probably have more questions.We have much more information to share, so check out our other articles in the Mosquito Joe blog! And contact your local Mosquito Joe today to request a free quote for tick control treatment and other pest management services.

Our professionals arrive in a marked van, on time, dressed in uniform. They are fully equipped with the best tools and training to control tick infestations and other pest problems. The Neighborly Done Right Promise™ backed by the Mosquito Joe Guarantee ensures your satisfaction with our work.
