What Temperature Kills Mosquitoes?


Cold winter weather is the ultimate mosquito protection —  mosquitoes die, migrate, or go dormant when the mercury fallshttps://nwflorida.mosquitojoe.com/services/. But what temperature kills mosquitoes?  If mosquitoes die in winter, where do they come from in the spring? 

Let’s find out.

The Impact of Temperature on Mosquito Life Cycles

Ah, the joy of summer, with its sunshine, barbecues, and . . . mosquitoes? Yep, mosquitoes love the same toasty temperatures we do — 70° to 80°F. The warmth turbo-charges their life cycle, so they hatch, grow, bite, and reproduce faster. Ugh!

But there’s good news. As the temperatures cool, the busy biters lose their gumption. At 60°F, the mosquito life cycle slows way down, and many species enter diapause, a type of hibernation, at 50° Fahrenheit.

So, at what temperature do mosquitoes die? Unfortunately, mosquitoes don’t usually die from severely cold weather. Most migrate to warmer climates, and some go dormant to sleep through the cold. The rest? Those nasty biters that do die in the cold? First, they lay their eggs, which can survive the harshest winter, ready to hatch and go looking for blood come spring. Then they die, which is a cold comfort for us, knowing those eggs remain.

However, all mosquitoes suffer at each life cycle stage when the temps drop below 50°F. Eggs take longer to hatch, the larval stage can take months instead of days to complete, and some just don’t make it. For example, the larval stage of Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito, dies at 46°F (8°C). So sad!

Mosquito Behavior in Different Temperature Zones

From the balmy beaches of the tropics to the chilly tundras of the Arctic, mosquitoes have carved a niche for themselves in a variety of temperature zones. The tropics are a mosquito’s paradise, with stable, warm temperatures that keep them perpetually active. In the tropics, mosquito larvae in water multiply at an alarming rate, making mosquito protection essential all year round.

However, in temperate zones, the buzzing biters can be caught off-guard by sudden temperature drops. One day, the blood is flowing, and the biters are living high. Then a cold front comes in, and they’re wondering whether it’s time to hit diapause.

In colder regions, such as Alaska or the Arctic, mosquitoes spend most of their time as mosquito larvae in water. They hibernate through the coldest weather, timing their biting adult stage to coincide with the return of warm weather. But . . . what temperature kills mosquitoes? Unfortunately, mosquitoes are pretty clever critters. The species whose adults die below 50°F lay plenty of eggs that will survive the winter.

Cold Weather: A Mosquito’s Kryptonite

mosquito on top of snow

Chilled air, frosty mornings, and…no mosquitoes? That’s right! The cold season is our reprieve from the pesky biters. Mosquito season in the United States typically spans the warmer stretch, from early spring to the inaugural freeze. When autumn leaves start to fall, the mosquito’s energy, too, takes a nosedive. Because they’re cold-blooded critters, they can’t keep warm on their own when the mercury drops.

While we relish the relief winter chill brings, mosquitoes either go into hiding, go dormant, or, in some cases, face the final curtain. But let’s address that burning question on everyone’s mind: What temperature kills mosquitoes? Their Achilles heel seems to be at around 50° Fahrenheit. Those species that don’t die at this temperature can no longer function until the warmth returns. When winter whispers, mosquitoes often find themselves on thin ice.

Mosquito Eggs and Freezing Weather

mosquito eggsThe average mosquito only lives about two to three months, and males die well before females do. That’s not very much time to annoy humans, transmit disease, and reproduce, but these insects manage to get it all done. In the end, it’s not a lack of food or water that usually kills these insects. Most of the time, it’s due to their short lifespan or a sudden change in the weather.

We now know what temperature kills mosquitoes. But as long as the temperature remains above 50 degrees, the female should have enough energy to lay her eggs. If she goes into hibernation before it freezes, she may live to see the next season.

Thankfully, however, not all mosquito species fare this well. Only mosquitoes from the genera Anopheles, Culex, and Culiseta hibernate in the winter. The rest just lay their eggs, say their goodbyes, and perish in the freezing weather.

What about her eggs? Mosquito eggs can withstand freezing temperatures. The eggs will survive the winter and emerge as temperatures rise. Even after a polar vortex, you can still expect baby mosquitoes to hatch during the spring. That’s when you’ll see mosquito larvae in water in every pond and puddle on your property. Save your future self from itching and swatting by emptying all the standing water on your property today.

What to Expect as Temperatures Rise

It’s satisfying to ask what temperature kills mosquitoes and to think of them falling over dead when sweater weather hits. But the cold weather reprieve is only temporary. As the weather warms back up, new mosquitoes will hatch, seeking your blood. You’ll need mosquito protection once again. You’ll need to be proactive in combating mosquitoes. Learn the steps you can take to deter mosquitoes. Eliminating standing water and cutting back overgrown vegetation denies the essential habitat of mosquitoes on your property. If you roll up the welcome mat, you’ll have fewer coming to prey on you and your family.

Warmer weather doesn’t mean you have to suffer through another itchy mosquito season. Mosquito Joe® can help stop mosquitoes before they get out of control.

Contact Mosquito Joe for Effective Mosquito Control

Despite all your best efforts at DIY mosquito protection, you will also need to call in the pros. Your local Mosquito Joe provides comprehensive mosquito and other pest control services to protect you and your family from biting insects.

We arrive promptly, driving our marked vans and wearing our bug-fighting uniforms. We bring all the tools needed to do the job right the first time. Also, since the Neighborly Done Right Promise™ backs our work, you know you’ll be pleased.

Knowing what temperature kills mosquitoes and waiting ‘til the dead of winter to get relief from itchy biters are two different things. Don’t wait. Mosquito Joe is making the outdoors fun again with mosquito control!


Can Dogs Get Mosquito Bites?


As you take your dog for a walk in the park, you can’t help but notice the thick, impenetrable fur coat. This fur protects your dog from the sun and keeps them warm during the winter months. It also helps to prevent injury from other dogs when they fight and play. But have you ever wondered: Can dogs get mosquito bites?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes, dogs do get mosquito bites. And just like humans, these bites cause aggravating symptoms and sometimes serious illnesses. Checking for mosquito bites on your furry friend is crucial for their health, well-being, and comfort.

Mosquito Bites on Dogs

Can mosquitoes bite through dog fur? Yes, these buzzing biters can get through your dog’s fur. If you thought your dog’s coat provided enough protection against mosquitoes, you were partially correct. Mosquitoes look for easy targets, and navigating the thick fur of a Chow Chow isn’t worth the effort. So, where do mosquitoes bite dogs? They prefer to target exposed skin (that’s why humans are their preferred menu item) or areas with shorter, less dense fur. The most common locations of mosquito bites on dogs are their ears, belly, and nose. And dogs with shorter coats are at a higher risk of a mosquito burrowing through the fur to bite. Unfortunately, your hairless chihuahua is a prime target.

Can Dogs Get Mosquito Bite Bumps?

So, what does a mosquito bite look like on a dog? Do dogs get mosquito bite bumps like we do?

Actually, mosquito bites on dogs and cats look and feel very similar to the ones we get. They form raised, red welts and are often itchy. You may observe your pet frantically scratching one particular spot. Some bites cause skin irritation or even temporary hair loss. In most cases, however, your dog will recover quickly. The itching usually subsides after a few days, and the welt typically resolves on its own.

Dangers of Mosquito Bites on Dogs

When your dog is bitten by a mosquito, you can expect itching to follow. You can try a cold compress for relief or consult with your vet about using an antihistamine ointment. Most of the time, a mosquito bite will simply annoy your dog for a few days. However, mosquito bites on dogs can be dangerous in many ways.

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Mosquito Bites?

Yes, just like people, dogs can be allergic to mosquito bites. Dogs that are allergic may experience the following symptoms:

  • Severe swelling and redness at the bite site
  • Hives breaking out all over the body
  • Swelling of the face or muzzle
  • Labored breathing
  • Vomiting

Mosquito Disease and Heartworms in Dogs

As bad as the symptoms sound, an allergic reaction isn’t the worst thing that can happen. Mosquito bites on dogs can lead to heartworm disease. It only takes a single bite by a mosquito infected with heartworm larvae for your dog to get sick. If left untreated, heartworms are very dangerous and can even be deadly for your pet. The adult worms may travel to your pet’s heart or lungs, causing blood clots, respiratory distress, or organ failure. Using medication prescribed by your vet is the best treatment and prevention of heartworm disease.

When dogs get mosquito bites, they can also contract other dangerous — sometimes deadly — diseases, such as Eastern equine encephalitis, West Nile virus, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Fortunately, these diseases are rare, but if you notice symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, or fever, report them to your vet immediately.

How to Prevent Mosquitoes from Biting Your Dog

Mosquito bites are no fun for anyone, and your dog is no exception. Since dogs can get mosquito bites that may prove dangerous, follow these tips to protect your pets:

  • Get your dog on a preventative heartworm treatment with your vet. Start treatment when your dog is eight weeks old.
  • Spray freshly squeezed lemon juice on your dog’s fur before heading outdoors. Be careful—citronella and certain essential oils are harmful to pets.
  • Install window screens and storm doors to keep mosquitoes out of your home.
  • Schedule a barrier spray treatment from Mosquito Joe® to rid your property of mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks.
  • Dress your pet in a doggie shirt or jacket to deter hungry mosquitoes.
  • Remove sources of standing, stagnant water from your yard.

Protect Your Dog from Mosquito Bites with Mosquito Joe

Keeping your pets and family guarded against mosquitoes starts at home. At Mosquito Joe, we stop biters from pestering your family — the two-footed and four-footed members alike! Our comprehensive pest control services protect you, your family, and your furry friends from mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks.

When you call on the experts at Mosquito Joe, your satisfaction is guaranteed because the Neighborly Done Right Promise™ and the Mosquito Joe Satisfaction Guarantee back all our work. Preventing mosquito bites on dogs is a crucial step in protecting their health. So, request a quote online or call us to learn more about our barrier sprays and natural treatments. Let’s make your outdoor spaces fun again for everyone!


What Diseases Do Mosquitoes Carry

Is there anything worse than the red, swollen, itchy welt left behind by mosquitoes? It turns out, there is. Those bites can be made worse because mosquitoes can transmit a variety of diseases. Some of them you’ve heard of before, but others aren’t as well-known. So, what diseases do mosquitoes carry? Keep reading to find out.

The Mosquito Bite Transmission Process

Before diving into the nitty-gritty, you should learn how mosquito-borne diseases are transmitted. Mosquitoes have long, skinny mouths. The tip is pointy and sharp, and the mosquito uses it to pierce your flesh. After breaking the skin, the mosquito sucks your blood. They’re literally the vampires of the insect world.

However, mosquitoes can only digest fresh, liquid blood. Their saliva produces an anticoagulant to keep its victim’s blood from clotting. Yes, it’s like something out of a science fiction movie! Unfortunately, the saliva can also contain bacteria, parasites, or viruses. And if an infected mosquito bites you, it may transmit the disease into your bloodstream.

Mosquito Diseases Everyone Should Know About

Although most mosquito bites produce an itchy histamine reaction, some also cause serious illness. Symptoms can appear a few days or even weeks after infection. Here are some mosquito diseases to keep on your radar:

  • West Nile Virus

Perhaps the most famous mosquito virus, West Nile causes a range of symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. If you’re lucky, you won’t experience any symptoms. However, some people end up with constant vomiting, diarrhea, joint pain, and fever. And in the worst cases, patients end up with meningitis or brain infections.

  • Zika Virus

Zika virus is mild in most cases, but it can be devastating for pregnant women. The virus may cause serious birth defects, such as a small head or brain damage. Pregnant women should avoid mosquito bites in regions where Zika is present for this very reason.

  • Malaria

Malaria is a widespread disease in many parts of the world. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not caused by a virus, but rather a parasite. Malaria can cause a high fever, headache, and vomiting. Luckily, there are anti-malaria drugs available.

  • Dengue

The dengue fever causes a range of strange and frightening symptoms, like easy bruising, bleeding gums, and rashes. Some people may get a deadly hemorrhagic fever.

  • Chikungunya Virus

Chikungunya is common in Africa, India, and Asia. However, infected mosquitoes have migrated to other regions in recent years. Those infected often experience swollen joints, muscle pain, and rash. Although it’s not usually deadly, you may have noticeable symptoms for several months.

  • La Crosse Encephalitis

Luckily, La Crosse Encephalitis is very rare. Only about 65 cases occur each year in the United States. Although you’ll most likely only experience fever or nausea, the virus can damage the nervous system.

  • Yellow Fever

Mosquitoes in Africa or Latin America often transmit yellow fever. The disease causes jaundice, which can make your skin look yellow, hence its name. Be sure to get the vaccine before traveling to high-risk countries.

  • Rift Valley Fever

Mosquitoes can transmit rift valley fever, which can infect both humans and animals. It’s most common in Africa. Symptoms include weakness, dizziness, and vision impairment.

  • Jamestown Canyon Virus

You may never know if you catch the Jamestown Canyon virus. That’s because the symptoms are the same as the common flu. But it can also affect the brain and spinal column. Although this virus can be spread throughout the United States and primarily in the upper midwest, this mosquito-borne disease is rare.

  • Snowshoe Hare Virus

If a mosquito bite causes dizziness, headaches, vomiting, or a rash, you may have snowshoe hare virus. It can also lead to serious problems, including inflammation of the brain. This virus is most common in Canada, Alaska, and eastern Asia.

Whew! That’s a long list of diseases. There’s good news, however. Many of these illnesses only affect other countries. So, what diseases do mosquitoes carry in the United States? West Nile is the most common, but there were only 958 reported cases in 2019. Zika, chikungunya, and dengue are also present. And although rare, Jamestown Canyon virus is only found in the United States.

Avoid Getting Sick in the First Place

What causes mosquito-borne diseases? Mosquito bites. If you don’t want to get sick, you need to prevent bites before they happen. These insects like to hide in tall grass, weeds, and wooded areas. They also like stagnant water. When heading outdoors, try to cover as much skin as possible. Although mosquitoes can bite through fabrics, they’re more likely to move along to find another victim.

Mosquitoes don’t like certain smells. Spraying your clothing with DEET is one way to repel these pests. However, never use it around young children. Citronella, peppermint, and eucalyptus oils also keep mosquitoes away. Even crushed up garlic will stop the appetite of a hungry mosquito.

The best way to get rid of mosquitoes for good is with regular property treatments. If you see too many mosquitoes flying around your yard, Mosquito Joe can help. We offer barrier spray mosquito treatments that last for weeks. Visit us online or call 1-855-275-2563 to keep your family protected from mosquito diseases.


Why Do Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears?

When you go outside during the evening, you’re sure to hear more than a few crickets chirping away. You most likely also hear some pesky mosquitoes buzzing around your face. there seems to be one area they are particularly drawn to: your ears. Are they whispering in your ear, “I’m going to bite you?” Are they testing your ability to swat them before they bite? Or, are they simply mocking you? Since we have a nose for bugs, we thought we’d share some information that will shed some light on why mosquitoes seem so focused on buzzing around your ears.

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears

Group of hikers on trail irritated by mosquitosSo, why do mosquitoes buzz in people’s ears? There are several explanations.

First, mosquitoes are attracted to heat and carbon dioxide, which we’re constantly creating with our breath. This is how they are able to hone in on us. The heavier our breathing, the more heat and carbon dioxide we produce. This means we’re likely to attract even more mosquitoes when we’re exerting ourselves and breathing heavily.

Second, when we’re outside, our face is one of the most exposed parts of our body. This provides an easier target for pesky mosquitoes.

The bottom line is; that mosquitoes aren’t specifically attracted to our ears as they are to our heads in general.

Does Your Blood Type Matter?

Young woman irritated by mosquito ites on her armDark clothing and blood type are other factors that can draw more mosquitoes to one person over another. Yes, this means some people really do have “sweeter blood” than others. Research has found that people with type O blood are more attracted to mosquitoes than other blood types.

These vital fluid suckers can tell what type of blood most people have because 85% of humans produce a secretion that reveals which blood type they are. Mosquitoes can speak that “language” and predict whether a person has their favorite blood type. Fascinating, right?

Why Do Those Pesky Blood Suckers Make a Buzzing Noise?

Young couple swatting mosquitos away outside tentThe sound of a mosquito buzzing is one we’re all a little too painfully aware of. Did you know that the buzzing sound that you hear when a mosquito is near actually comes from its wings? Mosquitoes beat their wings so quickly that it create the characteristic buzz, foreshadowing a bite to come. So when you hear a mosquito buzzing in your ear, look out!

Both female and male mosquitoes create the iconic buzz of a mosquito, but females actually create a higher-pitched sound than males. While it’s possible to hear the buzz of a male mosquito, most humans never do. This is because male mosquitoes feed off nectar and plants, so they don’t zero in on humans in the same ways as their female counterparts. That means that male mosquitoes are also not a threat to your defenseless skin!

mosquito on a leaf

Male vs. Female Mosquitoes

Close up of mans leg with several mosquitos.When considering male vs. female mosquitoes, there are some notable differences in their appearance, behavior, and feeding habits. These differences include the following:

Appearance – Male and female mosquitoes have different physical characteristics. Male mosquitoes have feathery antennae, while females have a long proboscis (mouthpiece). Female mosquitoes are the only ones who bite, as they need to feed on your blood to lay their eggs. Male mosquitoes are also generally smaller than their female counterparts.

Feeding Behavior – You don’t need to worry about male mosquitoes, as they feed on nectar and plant juices. Female mosquitoes, however, must feed on blood to get the protein and iron needed to produce eggs.

Reproduction – Mating is crucial for the mosquito life cycle. Male mosquitoes locate females through their wingbeat frequency and other sensory cues. After mating, females must have a blood meal to produce eggs. After their meal, they can lay their eggs. Males do not play a role in egg development or the laying of eggs.

Lifespan and Activity – Female mosquitoes can have a longer lifespan than males since they need to live long enough to lay their eggs. Females are more active at dawn and dusk when they are seeking hosts for blood meals.

Stop Mosquitoes from Buzzing in Your Ear

Happy family playing with a frisbee outside with golden retriever

While mosquitoes buzzing in your ear can be quite annoying, letting them take over your yard and ruining your outdoor fun is unacceptable. Taking these steps can help prevent annoying mosquitoes from you into submission.

  1. Use mosquito repellent – An effective mosquito repellent contains DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Apply repellent to exposed skin.
  2. Wear protective clothing – Cover up as much as possible when spending time outdoors in mosquito-prone areas. Wear light-colored clothing instead of dark colors. Reduce exposed skin with long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks.
  3. Use mosquito nets – When sleeping or resting in mosquito-infested areas, consider using mosquito netting above your resting area. This creates a physical barrier that prevents mosquitoes from reaching you.
  4. Eliminate standing water – Don’t camp next to a lake or slow-moving stream. Remove standing water in your yard, such as from bird baths or flower pots. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water.
  5. Avoid peak mosquito times – Stay indoors at dawn and dusk to avoid mosquitoes. This is the time of day when female mosquitoes are most active, searching for their blood meal so they can produce their eggs.
  6. Consider mosquito control – If you live in an area with a high mosquito population, consider mosquito-control measures such as those offered by your local Mosquito Joe®.

If you’re sick and tired of being buzzed by mosquitoes while trying to enjoy your backyard, it’s time to reclaim your peace! Give the pros at Mosquito Joe a call today at or request a quote online and enjoy the outdoors again! All our work is backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise™ and our Mosquito Joe Satisfaction Guarantee, which ensures you’ll receive exceptional pest control service with every visit.
