What to Put on Mosquito Bites for Babies?

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than watching your baby cry. And an itchy, sore mosquito bite will only give them yet another reason to burst into tears. Unfortunately, your little one’s skin is much more sensitive than your own. The creams and ointments you put on your own bites may cause more harm than good for your infant. If you want to know what to put on mosquito bites for babies, keep reading.

Ways to Relieve an Itchy, Red Bump on Your Baby

Although your child probably won’t bat an eye when a mosquito bites, the itching afterward may keep them awake at night. If you notice your baby frantically scratching a red welt, it’s time to jump into action. Here’s what you can put on an infant mosquito bite:

  • Ice: Mosquito bites cause inflammation. Applying ice directly to the bite may help reduce swelling. The cold sensation will also calm the itch.
  • Baking soda: If your baby seems especially bothered by a painful bite, you can try covering it in a baking soda paste. Simply mix a small amount of baking soda with a few drops of water to form a thick paste. Apply it to the welt, and let the paste harden for about 20 minutes. Not only will it reduce the itch, but the baking soda will also help dry out the bite.
  • Breast milk: Lactating moms can apply breast milk to a mosquito bite to soothe the spot. Some studies have shown that breast milk is just as effective as hydrocortisone ointments on babies.
  • Soap and water: A mosquito bite can become infected. Your child may even scratch until the spot bleeds, and broken skin can lead to an infection. Washing the bite as soon as possible with soap and water will reduce bacteria on the skin.

All of these mosquito bite remedies are gentle enough for your baby’s delicate skin. Best of all, you probably have everything you need on hand already.

Protecting Your Baby from Mosquitoes Before One Bites

Mosquito bites on babies are very common. While you can’t avoid every mosquito out there, you can take steps to prevent them in the first place. Try these proven methods:

  • Dress your baby from head to foot when heading outdoors. A hat, socks, and even mittens will help deter mosquitoes. The less visible skin, the fewer areas a hungry mosquito will be able to attack.
  • Choose light-colored clothing over dark items. Mosquitoes are attracted by dark colors such as black, blues, and browns. Even bright colors, such as red, are very appealing to these unwanted pests. When dressing your baby to go outside, choose clothes that are white, cream, beige, or yellow instead.
  • Go back inside when the sun goes down. Mosquitoes are most active when the sun is low. Try taking your baby to the park after dawn and return before dusk to avoid a swarm of these blood-hungry insects.
  • Look for stagnant water around your home. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. Even a small amount of standing water can harbor a lot of mosquito larva. Dump out any standing water to prevent mosquitoes from setting up home on your property.
  • Schedule a natural mosquito treatment. Babies are more sensitive to chemicals than adults. That’s why a natural barrier treatment is the best option. And when you don’t have mosquitoes flying around, you’ll feel much better about letting your little one take their first steps outside.

Prevent Bites Before They Happen

Mosquito Joe understands your concerns. That’s why we offer mosquito control. We use a combination of proven essential oils to protect your yard from mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. After we leave, you’ll be able to let your curious child roam outside without worry. Connect with us online or call 1-855-275-2563 to schedule our natural barrier spray today.



What Colors Attract Mosquitoes?

Does it really matter what colors you wear outside? If you want to avoid mosquito bites, the answer is yes. It may be hard to believe, but these buzzing pests do prefer some hues more than others. So, what colors are mosquitoes attracted to? Keep reading to find out!

The Science Behind Mosquitoes and Colors

Although black is slimming, it’s also a mosquito magnet. Dark colors seem to attract mosquitoes more than other colors. Why is that? There are many theories behind this phenomenon. Mosquitoes use their IR21a receptor, or heat-sensing antenna to locate their next meal. So, what color attracts mosquitoes the most? Black. Since black, navy blue, and other dark hues trap heat, these insects are more likely to bite people wearing these shades.

Wearing dark colors also makes people sweat more, especially when combined with exercise. And mosquitoes love the excess CO2 released when you perspire. The more carbon dioxide emissions you produce, the more bites you’ll endure. If you want to avoid itchy bites, try lightening up your wardrobe.

But Do Mosquitoes See Color?

It’s difficult to say if mosquitoes can see in color or not. After all, it’s not like you can just ask one. However, there is evidence that these flying insects avoid light. That’s why you’re more likely to see them hovering about during dusk and dawn. Too much direct sunlight actually dehydrates mosquitoes, which can lead to an untimely death.

Given this information, it’s likely that mosquitoes can sense a difference between dark and light. Dark colors are more inviting to them, while lighter ones pose a threat. Bright colors, however, can also attract these insects. Red is very appealing to mosquitoes, as are similar hues, such as pinks, purples, and oranges. You should also avoid wearing colorful floral prints.

The Colors to Help Keep Mosquitoes Away

Now that you know to keep your dark clothes in the closet during mosquito season, what can you wear? There are plenty of options available. Certain colors repel mosquitoes. If you don’t want to become a mosquito’s next meal, try wearing lighter, more subdued hues. White, beige, khaki, pastel yellow, and even soft gray are good options. And as a bonus, these colors will also keep you cooler on a warm day.

What’s So Special about Light Colors?

Light colors don’t produce shadows like darker shades. Mosquitoes won’t be able to sense your presence as easily. People also don’t sweat as much and release less CO2 when they wear lighter hues. If a mosquito can’t smell you, they won’t try to bite you.

What to Do When Color Isn’t Enough

Even though wearing light colors is a mosquito deterrent, it’s not always enough to prevent bites. A ravenous female mosquito may still try to seek you out for her next meal. Here are some other ways you can keep mosquitoes from ruining your outdoor gathering:

  • Spray a mosquito repellent around the area.
  • Keep a citronella candle burning while you’re outside.
  • Schedule regular barrier treatments to stop pests in their tracks.
  • Grow lemongrass, mint, or garlic in your garden.
  • Make DIY repellents out of rosemary, lavender, or peppermint essential oils.

Banish Mosquitoes with Mosquito Joe

Now that you know what colors attract and repel mosquitoes, you can make smarter wardrobe decisions before going outdoors. But if you want to reduce the number of mosquitos buzzing around for good, Mosquito Joe can help. We make it easy to tackle the mosquito problem in your yard with our barrier spray treatments. With our treatments, you’ll be able to say goodbye to unwanted pests for good. Connect with us online or call 1-855-275-2563 to learn more about our highly effective mosquito treatments.



Why Do Mosquitoes Need Blood?


Do vampires really exist? Nasty bloodsuckers who prey on innocent humans? Sounds a lot like mosquitoes! These flying blood bandits are always on the hunt for their next meal. But why do mosquitoes need blood? Keep reading to discover the real reason these vampires long to drink your blood for dinner.

Which Mosquito Sucks Blood?

Why do mosquitoes need blood? Only female mosquitoes drink the blood of humans and animals. The blood meal is essential for growing the eggs of the next generation of mosquitoes. Our blood is an excellent source of the proteins, amino acids, and iron needed for mosquito eggs and hatchlings. Most female mosquitoes hunt for their meals in the early morning and sunset hours, preferring to shelter during the heat of the day. At all other times, they feed on nectar and plant sap, which is what the male mosquitoes eat.

So, why do mosquitoes suck blood? They require it for reproduction. That’s why only female mosquitoes need blood. The mosquito who bites you today does so to ensure there will be future generations of little bloodsuckers doing the same thing. Yuck!

Male mosquitoes are vegetarian, restricting their meals to nectar from flowers. When not binging on blood, female mosquitoes, too, visit flowers for their nectar. In fact, mosquitoes are valuable pollinators for some marsh and bog plants like the blunt-leaf orchid (Platanthera obtusata).

Blood: It’s More Nutritious Than You Ever Knew

Why do mosquitoes suck blood? The answer is pretty straightforward. For a mosquito, it’s a literal life-or-death situation, generationally speaking. Blood is full of essential nutrients for mosquitoes, namely iron, proteins, and other amino acids. Mosquitoes can’t get these vital nutrients from any other source. And without a blood-rich diet, the circle of life for mosquitoes would cease entirely. (Wouldn’t that be sad?)

What Do Mosquitoes Do with Blood?

Up close of a mosquito sucking blood of a human with green background We know why mosquitoes need blood. Female mosquitoes require the building blocks of blood to grow and lay their eggs. That’s why only females need blood in their diet. The average female mosquito lays about 100 eggs at a time, and most produce ten broods on average in their lifetime. Without a proper blood meal, she won’t be able to develop healthy, viable eggs after mating.

Male mosquitoes, on the other hand, do not drink blood and will leave you alone. Yes, you read that right: male mosquitoes don’t bite people or other animals. But, since you can’t tell the difference between a male and female mosquito without a microscope, there’s no way to know which one has just landed on your arm. Sorry, guys.

Human Blood: A Quick and Efficient Meal

OK, fine, so now we know why mosquitoes need blood. But do they really need our blood? Well, put yourself in the little bloodsucker’s position. If you were the spindly size of a mosquito, would you target an animal with a thick, tough hide and lots of dense fur? Or would you settle on the bare, tender skin of an unwary human? (Yeah. That’s what we thought).

Actually, most mosquitoes don’t bite humans. More than 3,500 mosquito species inhabit our world, and just 6% of the species feed on people. The rest pester a wide variety of mammals and birds; even reptiles are on the menu.

Do Mosquitoes Prefer Certain Types of Blood?

So, now that we know why mosquitoes need blood and why they like ours, what’s their favorite? Do mosquitoes prefer a certain blood type?

Although mosquitoes aren’t the pickiest eaters in the world, they do prefer some blood types more than others. Mosquitoes can smell a person’s blood type before taking a bite. Those of us with Type O blood, for instance, are a particularly tasty treat for a female mosquito. Pregnant women also seem to get more mosquito bites than other people. And anyone who sweats a lot may produce pheromones that attract mosquitoes. It’s like ringing the dinner bell for mosquitoes. Come and get me!

But even if these factors don’t apply to you, you’re still on the menu. Whenever a female mosquito feels the urge to feed, she will seek out the easiest target. Since people are often the largest mammals in their area, we are easier to bite. Mosquitoes are also attracted to humans because people emit more carbon dioxide than many other animals. Mosquitoes have a receptor that detects carbon dioxide, helping them to hunt and locate their next meal.

How Long Can a Mosquito Live Without Blood?

We know why mosquitoes need blood. But how long can mosquitoes live without blood? The truth is, they only live about three weeks, whether they have blood or not. Remember why female mosquitoes need blood: it’s for reproduction, not their own survival. They feast on our blood for the sake of their progeny. Without the all-important blood meal, mosquito reproduction suffers.

Starving a mosquito of blood doesn’t harm the individual bloodsucker, but it can slow the rate of reproduction.

Other Food Sources for Mosquitoes

We’ve established why mosquitoes need blood. Since only female mosquitoes need the nutrients found in blood, what are the needs of males? Why do they choose to feast on nectar-producing plants?

Both males and females need the glycogen and triglycerides found in sugar to produce energy. Nectar is the prime source. You’re most likely to see mosquitoes buzzing around brightly colored flowers. But they also enjoy the taste of water lettuce and other plants with high water content.

Tips to Avoid Mosquito Bites

Now that we know why mosquitoes need blood, what can we do to keep them from drinking ours? There are a number of strategies that can help you avoid being tapped by the hungry vampires of the insect world. Some are personal choices, and others are ways to adapt your environment to make it less appealing to mosquitoes.

Here are some of the best ways to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes:

  • Wear light-colored clothing made from tightly woven fabrics.
  • Cover your skin. Choose long pants, long sleeves, and a high neck.
  • Apply a mosquito repellant when heading outdoors.
  • Try planting basil, lemongrass, or mint, as mosquitoes can’t stand their smell.
  • Avoid wearing perfumes or scented products outside.
  • Light citronella candles and torches to deter mosquitoes.
  • Dump out all sources of standing water near your home.
  • Keep the yard well-tended, removing all leaf litter, tall grass, and weeds.
  • Schedule a professional barrier spray treatment with Mosquito Joe®

Protect Your Home and Family from Mosquitoes

Even though mosquito blood doesn’t exist (they have hemolymph instead), these insects are anxious to taste your red blood cells. Now you know why mosquitoes need blood: to ensure an inexhaustible supply of hungry little vampires hunting you in the future. Eek! The best way to keep your family and pets protected is to limit the population and prevent bites before they happen. That’s where Mosquito Joe® comes in.

Mosquito Joe offers proven mosquito control, including our barrier spray, misting, and eco-friendly treatments to keep your yard mosquito-free all year long. With us on your side, there is less chance of you becoming a mosquito’s next meal!

All our work is backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise™, which ensures your satisfaction.
Request a free quote today!

FAQ About Mosquito Bites

Can mosquitoes survive without blood?

Yes, individual female mosquitoes — the only ones that bite and drink blood — can survive without blood. They also feed on the nectar from flowers, which supplies the food and nutrition they need. The reason why female mosquitoes need blood is not for their own survival but for their eggs. Female mosquitoes rely on iron, proteins, and other amino acids in the blood to grow their eggs and hatchlings.

Why do mosquitoes want human blood?

The reason why mosquitoes need blood is all about reproduction. They need the components of blood to produce healthy, viable eggs and hatchlings. Humans are far easier for the tiny bloodsuckers to feed from than animals with tough hides and thick coats of fur. Yet just 6% of the 3,500 species of mosquitoes prey on humans.

Is it better to let a mosquito finish?

No. The moment you see a mosquito biting you, flick it away immediately. The longer the mosquito bites, the greater the chance it can transmit diseases and germs into your body. (Yuck!) There is a strange myth circulating that allowing a mosquito to finish biting means the bite won’t itch. While this sounds like pro-mosquito propaganda from Big Bug, don’t believe it.

Is it bad to smash a mosquito while it’s biting you?

Ooohhh. It’s so tempting to just smash a biting mosquito, isn’t it? But medical experts urge caution. The blood the mosquito carries may be contaminated with diseases and germs that could infect the open wound of the bite. Instead, flick the mosquito away — hard.

Do mosquitoes prefer a certain blood type?

It turns out that mosquitoes do prefer a certain blood type — type O. Scientists do not understand why female mosquitoes prefer blood type O yet, but they’re working on it. At present, we know people with type O blood who secrete antigens in their bodily fluids like sweat and tears are highly attractive to biting mosquitoes. About 80% of people are secretors, so those with type O blood are the most likely to get bitten. O, so sorry (couldn’t resist that one).


How to Make Mosquito Repellent

Tired of swatting away blood-hungry mosquitoes whenever you leave your home? These insects are a nuisance all year. And while tons of commercial chemicals are effective on mosquitoes, they’re not necessarily a great choice to use around kids and pets. DEET and other store-bought repellents come with a long list of warnings. Looking for an all-natural solution? Get ready to learn how to make mosquito repellent that you will feel good about using for your entire family.

Natural Ingredients Mosquitoes Hate the Most

Want to deter mosquitoes for good? Look no further than Mother Nature. There are a ton of natural ingredients that mosquitoes just can’t stand. Essential oils are your friend but a mosquito’s worst enemy. Here are the top 10 essential oils to consider:

  1. Eucalyptus oil
  2. Lavender oil
  3. Cinnamon oil
  4. Thyme oil
  5. Tea tree oil
  6. Rosemary oil
  7. Chamomile oil
  8. Peppermint oil
  9. Cedarwood oil
  10. Citronella oil

You can find these oils at most health stores or even online. Best of all, creating a DIY mosquito repellent is almost too easy. With only a few ingredients, you can whip up the perfect natural repellent for your family in no time.

The Best Homemade Mosquito Repellent Recipes

Now that you know which essential oils mosquitoes hate, it’s time to learn how to make natural mosquito repellent. These homemade mosquito repellent recipes will protect your family and pets from itchy bites. And all you need is a few oils and a carrier liquid.

DIY Coconut Peppermint Repellant

One of the most effective DIY repellents uses only coconut oil and peppermint. While this combination of scents is delightful to humans, it will chase away mosquitoes. Here’s what you need:

  • 1/3 cup coconut oil
  • 15 drops peppermint essential oil

Simply mix the ingredients in a jar. At room temperature, the substance will be a liquid. But if you store it in the refrigerator, it will solidify. You can apply it with your fingers on a hot day for a refreshing way to keep mosquitoes at bay. Best of all, kids love the way it smells!

Homemade Rosemary Repellent

This effective DIY repellent has three ingredients—rosemary oil, apple cider vinegar, and water. Here are the exact measurements:

  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 40 drops of rosemary essential oil

Combine all the ingredients in a spray bottle and give it a good shake. If you don’t like the smell of rosemary, you can also try lavender. Generously spritz yourself before going outside.

Easy Eucalyptus Mosquito Repellent

Mosquitoes detest the strong aroma of eucalyptus, so this easy homemade mosquito repellent is sure to be a winner! All you need is eucalyptus oil, water, and witch hazel. Here’s the fool-proof recipe:

  • 1/3 cup witch hazel
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 40 drops eucalyptus essential oil

Mix all the ingredients and pour into a spray bottle. That’s it! On its own, witch hazel doesn’t really have a scent, so you can also try adding lemongrass, citronella, or tea tree oil if you don’t care for eucalyptus.

Homemade Repellents Aren’t Always Risk-Free

Just because you can easily buy the ingredients to make homemade mosquito repellents doesn’t mean they come without risk. You should always mix essential oils with a carrier liquid, such as coconut oil, olive oil, witch hazel, or vinegar. If you don’t, the essential oils may cause skin irritation.

Some essential oils are also toxic to pets. If you have furry friends, steer clear of peppermint, citrus, tea tree, and ylang-ylang. Always consult with your vet before applying a DIY repellent to your pets.

Most homemade mosquito repellent recipes don’t last very long. You should reapply every one or two hours for the best results.

What If You Still Get a Mosquito Bite?

Even the best DIY repellents aren’t 100-percent effective. Bites may still happen. If you do get bitten, you can naturally treat the spot using things you probably have at home. Ice will help reduce inflammation. You can also mix baking soda and water to create a thick paste. Apply the paste directly to the bite to pull out any toxins and reduce the itch.

Protect Your Yard from Mosquitoes the Natural Way

While a homemade mosquito repellent is a good start, you should also treat your yard to prevent mosquitoes from invading or hatching in the first place. Mosquito Joe offers a natural mosquito treatment to protect your property from mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas! We use our proven barrier system to ensure every inch of your yard repels mosquitoes. Connect with us online or call 1-855-275-2563 to book a natural treatment with us.
