What Are the Most Common Fall Pests?


When fall rolls around every September, aren’t we able to bid farewell to all the creepy crawling bugs and rodents that have been invading our space all summer? Unfortunately, no. The fall season is the time that pests mate, hibernate, and take shelter from the cooler weather.

In this article, the pest control experts at Mosquito Joe® share information about the fall pests you’re most likely to find in your home and garden this year and some simple ways to prevent them.

Pests That Infest Homes in the Fall

Did you think mosquitos hightail it to Florida when the weather gets cooler? Unfortunately, that’s not the case. While they may be more prevalent in the summer months when doors and windows are open, they still hang around in the fall. In addition to mosquitoes, here are the top seven fall pests that may cause you problems this fall:

  1. Ants: Like people, ants look for a warm place to go in the cooler months. Unfortunately, the place where they often find shelter is your home. Ants particularly love sugary or greasy substances, so to prevent them from taking up permanent residence in your home, keep areas where food is stored and prepared clean, and seal any entry points (no matter how small they seem).
  2. Spiders: During the fall, spiders are out searching for mates and nesting sites. This is why they seem like they may be taking over your home from September to December. Regular cleaning and decluttering can help reduce their presence.
  3. Centipedes: These creepy crawly creatures with all the legs look scary, but they aren’t necessarily our enemy. While you may not want them hanging out in your house, they do make themselves useful by hunting other insects and spiders who have also invaded your personal space in search of food, water, and a warm bed.
  4. Cluster Flies: Cluster flies hibernate in the winter season, so around fall, they are looking for somewhere warm and dark to sleep for the winter. Seal cracks in the walls of your home, and make sure all of your doors and windows have screens to keep these flies out.
  5. Stink bugs: No one wants this common fall bug lurking around their house. When threatened, stink bugs let out a smelly odor that contains a chemical that attracts other stink bugs. Unfortunately, stink bugs tend to be highly resistant to pesticides, so removing stink bugs can be challenging.
  6. Mice and Rats: As temperatures drop, rodents find warmth and food inside homes. They can damage wiring and may carry diseases, so it’s crucial to eliminate any potential entry points and maintain a clean environment.
  7. Mosquitoes: As mentioned, mosquitoes can still be active during the fall, depending on the climate. Some species can survive cooler temperatures, and some mosquitoes can even make it through winter, so it’s important to take measures to prevent breeding, such as removing standing water.

Keep Pests Out of Your Home When Temperatures Drop

How to prevent pests and rodents from taking over your home as temperatures cool down requires a combination of preventive measures.

Here are some fall pest control tips that will help:

  • Seal Entry Points: Look for gaps around windows and doors and check for cracks in the foundation. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal these openings and prevent pests from finding their way indoors.
  • Maintain a Clean Home: Keep countertops, floors, and other surfaces free of crumbs and spills. Empty trash cans regularly and keep garbage in sealed containers.
  • Store Food Properly: Keep food in airtight containers to prevent pests like ants or pantry beetles from accessing it. Don’t leave pet food out overnight, and clean up spills promptly.
  • Remove Clutter: Pests love the cluttered areas in your home for hiding places and nesting sites. Declutter your home, especially in storage areas like basements and attics.
  • Maintain Outdoor Areas: Trim vegetation and shrubs away from your home because they can act as a pathway for pets to enter. Remove any standing water from gutters, flowerpots, or other outdoor containers to prevent mosquito breeding.
  • Regular Inspections: Regularly inspect your home for signs of pests. If you see droppings, gnaw marks, or damaged materials, call Mosquito Joe!
    If you find that preventive measures are not effective or the pest problem persists, it’s time to call in the experts.

Fall Pest Control Treatment

Don’t let fall pests put a damper on pumpkin and apple pie season. With Mosquito Joe’s expertise in fall pest service, you can protect your home and property from these damaging pests. Our service professionals understand the unique behavior of pests during all seasons and implement targeted strategies to manage their population effectively. And with The Neighborly Done Right Promise™ and Mosquito Joe Satisfaction Guarantee to back every treatment, your satisfaction is guaranteed.

With locations across the United States, Mosquito Joe provides comprehensive pest control services tailored to your specific climate and local pest behavior.

Call on Mosquito Joe pest control and breathe easy. Request a quote today!


How to Keep Mosquitoes Away While Sitting Outside

Picture this: It’s a beautiful evening, and you have family and friends over. Suddenly, you hear that distinctive low buzz. A few minutes later, a spot on your arm starts itching. Unfortunately, your evening’s been disrupted by a familiar occurrence: You’ve been bitten by a mosquito.

As we all know, mosquitoes are one of the most annoying pests. They can quickly ruin almost any outdoor activity.. Not only do they disturb outdoor events and decrease comfort at home, but they also carry diseases like West Nile, Zika, and Triple E, all of which have the potential to impact your health. But nobody said you just have to sit there and take it. This article will explain how to keep mosquitoes away while sitting outside. It’s time to take back your outdoor fun, so let’s get right to it!

10 Secrets to Keep Mosquitoes Away From Outdoor Spaces

How to keep mosquitoes away from your patio, yard, and other outdoor spaces is all about knowing what mosquitoes like, and don’t like. Here are our 10 best methods for keeping mosquitoes away from your good time.

1. Wear Tightly Woven, Light-Colored Clothes

When the weather is warm, you want to wear clothes that won’t have you melting in the sun. Loose-fitting clothes are usually the preferred option. But when mosquitoes are lurking around your yard, that’s not really the best option. When mosquitoes are on the hunt it’s better to wear tight, light-colored clothing.

Why? Well, a mosquito will have difficulty penetrating clothing with thick layers. Furthermore, they are attracted to dark colors like black, blue, or navy. Do your best to wear lighter colors so they don’t come looking for you.

2. Eliminate Stagnant Water

While rain may help to cool things off on a hot day, it also increases standing water, which is a big no-no when it comes to mosquito prevention. Mosquitoes love standing water as much as some kids love chocolate. They lay eggs and make nests around the area, increasing their population.

Inspect your yard to see if there are any puddles or standing water. You can use a broom, bucket, or pail to disperse the water.

3. Use Specialized Mosquito Traps

Sometimes, no matter what you do, it seems impossible to rid your property of mosquitoes. But don’t blame yourself; they’re tricky pests! You may need to employ sophisticated methods to rid your property of mosquitoes. One approach is to use specialized mosquito traps.

These devices lure female mosquitoes (the only ones that bite) before they get ready to lay their eggs. Once the mosquito enters the trap, its body is covered in a poison that it then unknowingly carries around. This affects other mosquitoes and eggs, disrupting their life cycle and reducing their population in your yard.

4. Install an Automatic Mosquito Misting System

Invest in an automatic mosquito misting system if you’re looking for a more powerful solution to your mosquito problem. It’s an ideal mosquito control solution for outside areas.

As the name indicates, the system is automatic, so you don’t have to do anything. Once it’s set up. These devices can be set up to release a mosquito repellent at specific intervals, according to your liking, killing any pests that might be around.

5. Plant Mosquito-Repelling Plants

Most insects love plants because they can feed and relax on the leaves. However, certain plants can have adverse effects on mosquitoes and keep them away from your yard. That’s because mosquitoes dislike the smell of essential oil as much as we dislike their presence. The best plants to help repel these pests include:

  • Lavender
  • Lemon Grass
  • Mint
  • Rosemary
  • Sage

6. Change Your Lighting

Did you know that your lighting can affect mosquitoes? If you have standard light bulbs, mosquitoes will likely be flocking around that area, especially at night, as they use that light to search for food.

This doesn’t mean you have to sit in the dark to keep mosquitoes at bay. Instead, you can install some UV lights in areas where people gather. This lighting is less attractive to mosquitoes, which will help reduce their numbers.

7. Light Citronella Candles

Most bugs don’t like fire because it can kill them instantly. When fire is paired with a powerful scent, the result is an effective mosquito repellent. That is why citronella is so widely used to combat these pests.

It gives off a powerful smell that most bugs—namely mosquitoes—don’t love. So, if you plan on sitting outside, light a few of these candles to enjoy your evening in peace.

8. Avoid Peak Mosquito Hours When You Can

If it seems like there’s a mosquito waiting to bite you whenever you spend time outdoors, take note of the time of day that you’re going outside.

Mosquitoes are most active during sunrise and sunset because mosquitoes don’t like to be outside during the hottest part of the day.To enjoy your backyard, try heading outdoors when the sun is at its peak. Seek a shady spot and have some hydration handy. You may be a little warmer, but your chances of encountering mosquitoes will be less.

9. Spray Hydrogen Peroxide

Does hydrogen peroxide repel mosquitoes? The short answer is yes, it does. It’s an affordable mosquito-repellant hack you can use when you don’t have other options. If you’ve been wondering how to keep mosquitoes away from patio furniture, use a spray bottle to apply the solution to your patio furniture and other areas where mosquitoes frequent. This will help keep mosquitoes away for a short period and can kill any eggs they may have laid in the process.

Make the Outdoors Fun Again!

Now that you know how to keep mosquitoes away while sitting outside, it’s time to put it all to work. While not every method we mentioned will be effective in every situation, it’s important to remember that keeping mosquitoes away from your outdoor fun requires a proactive approach. One of the best and most effective ways to keep mosquitoes from ruining your outdoor activities is with the help of experts like Mosquito Joe®.

We know bugs and the best ways to keep them away from your outdoor areas. Our services are designed to eliminate mosquitoes and other pests so you can enjoy the time you spend on your patio, in your pool, or enjoying your backyard. And with work that’s backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise™, you can rest assured the job will be done right the first time. To learn more or to get started, request a free quote today!


Do Spotted Lanternflies Bite?


Have you ever seen an intriguing plant-hopping creature with gray and red wings and black spots and wondered what it was and whether it was threatening? You may have come across the spotted lanternfly. These sightings have become increasingly common in the United States, and many people become nervous when they encounter spotted lanternflies, unsure if they bite or pose other risks. Although native to China, they were first detected in Pennsylvania in 2014 and are now primarily found throughout the Northeast and the central-eastern part of the United States.

If you have detected some negative attitudes surrounding these creatures and have become curious as to why spotted lanternflies are bad, we have answers. Read on to learn more about whether spotted lanternflies do indeed bite and what potential damage they could cause.

What Are Spotted Lanternflies?

Close up of spotted lanterfly on a leaf

Spotted lanternflies (Lycorma delicatula) are an invasive species of insect originating in parts of Asia, including China, India, and Vietnam. They are commonly known as planthoppers. They are found on a variety of about 70 different species of woody plants and fruit crops, especially grapes.

Young spotted lanternfly nymph on plantSpotted lanternflies go through four stages in their life cycle: the egg, nymph, adult, and resting stages. Eggs are laid in masses that resemble grayish-brown mud or putty. Young nymphs emerge and go through metamorphosis stages before full adulthood. Early-stage nymphs are black with white spots, and they eventually develop red patches as they grow. The egg and nymph stages last about six months, starting in January each year.

Adult spotted lanternflies start emerging in June, are about 1 inch long, and have very distinctive markings. Their forewings are grayish with black spots, while their hindwings are red with black spots and a white band near the tips. When at rest, their wings fold tent-like over their bodies, creating a visually striking display. The adult and resting stages usually start in June and last about six months. The entire lifespan of a spotted lanternfly is about one year.

Are Spotted Lanternflies Dangerous?

 Close up of spotted lanterfly eggs on tree showing pencil for size comparisonWhen it comes to determining if the spotted lanternfly is dangerous, you may be wondering; do spotted lanternflies bite humans? Fortunately, spotted lanternflies do not bite humans or pets. This information will likely bring much relief the next time their spotted wings come into your view.  So, if they don’t bite humans or pets, why are spotted lanternflies bad? Unfortunately, their presence is cause for concern when it comes to plant life.

While spotted lanternflies do not bite us or our furry friends, they are still a significant nuisance to plants, trees, and crops. Their favorite host is the Tree of Heaven, though they will also eat from grapes, other hardwoods, and fruit trees. They pierce the bark of trees and plants to access the sap. This damages the tree or plant and can cause significant damage to agricultural crops.

Also, although we’ve established that spotted lanternflies are not dangerous to humans, and your pets won’t likely be bitten by spotted lanternflies, they should be kept away from them. Animals may be tempted to eat spotted lanternflies, and more research needs to be done to determine if this could cause serious health issues for your pet.

Why Are Spotted Lanternflies Bad?

Spotted lanternfly on grapes Spotted lanternflies can be a nuisance to humans due to their swarming behavior and large populations. Their presence in large numbers can create an unpleasant environment, especially in outdoor recreation areas, gardens, or even your own backyard.

Unfortunately, spotted lanternflies can be transported long distances by people who move infested material or items containing egg masses. This can have a significant impact on agriculture and the environment. Spotted lanternflies love to feast on fruit plants and trees. They especially like grape plants. They feed on these plants and weaken them, which reduces the crop yield. This can result in less fruit available for the public to purchase and higher prices for certain produce.

Let’s learn more about what to do when you find a spotted lanternfly.

What to Do When You Find a Spotted Lanternfly

Since first being spotted in Pennsylvania in 2014, spotted lanternflies have migrated to 13 other states, including Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Virginia, and West Virginia.

When you find a spotted lanternfly, there are likely many more somewhere nearby. When you discover spotted lanternflies in your area, you want to alert your local agricultural department and take immediate action to eliminate the threat to your plants and trees. Spotted lanternflies in the nymph stage can be sprayed with insecticides if you can catch them. Adults are harder to kill on contact and are best left to the professionals. Your local pest control service will have ways to eliminate this invasive pest.

How to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies?

Hiring a professional pest control service is the best defense against spotted lanternflies, especially if you find an infestation. However, there are several things you can do ahead of the arrival of a pest control service to help protect your property from spotted lanternflies. These include the following steps:

  1. If your property has trees of heaven, remove them. They are the spotted lanternfly’s favorite food source.
  2. Be on the lookout for spotted lanternfly egg masses in the winter towards the end of the year. If you spot one, you can scrape it off the tree into a bag. Add sanitizer, seal the bag, and dispose of it.
  3. Spray any nymphs or adults found with an insecticidal soap or apple cider vinegar. Do not spray vinegar directly on plants, as it may damage them.
  4. Plant milkweed. Spotted lanternflies are drawn to this plant, but it is poisonous to them and kills them.

Contact Mosquito Joe® for Spotted Lanternflies Control Services

You no longer have to panic about what to do when you find a spotted lanternfly. Mosquito Joe is here to help. Our service professionals are experienced in effectively removing all types of flying, biting, and annoying pests. And with work that is backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise™ and our own Mosquito Joe guarantee, you sure to be happy with the results. Request a free quote today or call us at 1-855-275-2563.


States That Spend the Most on Their Pets


It’s no secret that dogs are a man’s best friend and have the power to steal their owners’ hearts with every wag of their tail. From little Frenchies in chic sweaters to fat cats cruising in strollers, these furry friends have become the center of their pet parents’ world.

To uncover the depth of love and luxury showered upon pets across the country, we embarked on a sweeping survey, spanning coast to coast. We asked residents about their spending habits for their beloved four-legged friends and sought to find out the cost of owning a pet across different states. Keep reading to discover the lengths to which different states go to pamper their furry companions!

Key Findings

  • New York has the most spoiled pets considering their owners spend the most in a year on average on them, about $2,900 on just food, toys, health, and hygiene, respectively.
  • Kansas residents are the stingiest with their pets overall. They only spend about $200 a year on average on their pet’s health and just less than that on toys and treats.
  • Everything is bigger in Texas, including a pet’s appetite. Texans spend the most on their pet food than any other state at about $1,300 a year.
  • Pet lovers in America spend around $1,100 a year on-boarding/pet care.

U.S. States That Spend the Most & Least on Their Pets

U.S. heatmap showcasing the states that spend the most and least on their pets

Caring for a puppy can be quite an investment. From essential pet needs like food, health, and hygiene (grooming, brushes, etc.) to indulgent luxuries such as toys, treats, and cozy beds, the cost of having a pet can add up quickly.

According to our survey results, New York ($2,913 yearly), Michigan ($2,743 yearly), and Texas ($2,560 yearly) lead the pack as the states that spend the most on their pet on average.

In New York, pet parents spare no expense, with substantial investments in pet food ($1,150 yearly), pet toys (over $630 yearly), and pet grooming (about $525 yearly). New York pets are living in the lap of luxury!

As for the Lone Star State, everything might be bigger in Texas, especially the appetite of its pets. Pet lovers in Texas lead the nation in dog food spending, splurging around $1,297 per year to satisfy their furry friends’ cravings.

On the flip side, Kansas ( $1,247 yearly), Maine ($1,346 yearly), and Ohio ($1,353 yearly) shell out the least amount of money for their furry companion.

In Kansas, penny-pinching is the norm, with an average yearly spend of about $200 on pet health and just a tad less ($199) on their beloved pets’ toys and treats.

The Pet Expense Americans Spend the Most & Least on in a Year

Table graphic showcasing the pet expense Americans spend the most and least on in a year

While our beloved pets get to enjoy the luxury of living rent-free, their owners certainly have financial responsibilities to bear. Delving into the pet budget breakdown, we sought to identify the areas where pet lovers allocate the most significant amount of money.

We found that, on average, most Americans dedicate $1,082 each year to ensure their furry companions receive the best pet care possible. From doggy daycares to pet boarding, pet care is an integral part of the pet ownership experience.

When it comes to satisfying their pets’ taste buds, Americans show their affection with an average annual spend of $811 on pet food. Regardless of their size or breed, there’s nothing quite like witnessing the sheer joy in a pup’s eyes at mealtime.

Pet insurance plays a significant role in Americans’ financial planning. With an average yearly investment of $566 in pet insurance, pet parents who choose to be on a plan find solace in knowing that their beloved companions are safeguarded, offering peace of mind amidst life’s uncertainties.

Closing Thoughts

There’s nothing quite like the unconditional love of our pets by our side. Embrace this special bond and ensure your four-legged companions have a worry-free season by protecting them from pesky fleas and ticks with our services.

Say farewell to the nuisance of these pests and protect your furry friend. Don’t wait; schedule with Mosquito Joe event services and make this season a memorable one for you and your fur baby!


To find the states that spend the most and least on their pet and which pet expense pet owners spend the most and least on overall, we surveyed residents of all 50 U.S. states in May of 2023 to know how much they spend on each commonly occurring pet expense. It is important to note that some states could not be included in this list due to not enough survey respondents. Those states are AK, HI, MT, ND, SD, VT, and WY. Using the respondents’ answers, we could then calculate the average yearly spend on each pet expense in every state.

In the pet expense section, we focused on pet insurance and pet care and discluded it from the previous section, recognizing that not every pet owner opts for insurance coverage or pet care.


How to Prepare for a Severe Tick Season


It doesn’t matter if it’s the spring, summer, or fall; when the weather permits and outside temps are reasonable, many of us venture outdoors to relax and have some fun. Whether parents, kids, and the family dog go for a hike, head to the beach, or simply roughhouse and relax in the backyard, it’s essential to be on the lookout for ticks.

These tiny, blood-sucking pests can have an outsized impact on the health and well-being of the entire family. Don’t wait for someone to get bit and possibly be infected with a common tick disease. Prevention is key. It’s time to prepare for tick season.

What You Need To Know About Ticks

There’s a lot to learn about ticks; they can be weirdly, even disgustingly fascinating. For instance, did you know that ticks aren’t insects? Ticks have eight legs and are classified as parasitic arachnids. Adult ticks range in size from that of a poppy seed to an apple seed, and they feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals. When engorged with blood, these tiny biters swell from the size of a small seed up to the size of a blueberry!

Because ticks are so small, you are unlikely to feel their bite. But once a tick finds someone to bite, it grasps the skin, cuts a hole in it, inserts its barbed feeding tube, and begins to suck blood. The barbs hold the tick in place while the host moves about. An adult female tick can remain attached to its host, feeding on its blood for seven to ten days, after which it will detach and fall off. After the first 36-48 hours of feeding, a Lyme disease-carrying tick is most likely to transmit the disease bacterium to its host.

Immature ticks, called nymphs, are the most frequent cause of Lyme disease in humans. Measuring just 2 millimeters across, nymphs are very difficult to see. Nymphs are most active feeding during spring and summer, which is often considered tick season.

Ticks generally make their homes in wooded areas with overgrown shrubs, tall grasses, fallen branches, and plenty of leaf litter. They typically rest at the tips of grass and shrubs, waiting to grab onto a passing animal to feed. But ticks are not only found in woods. They are plentiful in the coastal brush and grasses around the beach and can make their home in your backyard. In fact, most humans are bitten by ticks in their own gardens.

When is Tick Season?

Depending on your climate, tick season, or the time when adult ticks are most active, is from early March to mid-May and mid-August to November. However, for the following thirteen states, tick season is year-round:

  1. Alabama
  2. Arizona
  3. California
  4. Florida
  5. Georgia
  6. Louisiana
  7. Mississippi
  8. Nevada
  9. North Carolina
  10. Oregon
  11. South Carolina
  12. Texas
  13. Washington

When Does Tick Season End?

Tick season typically ends when temperatures drop below freezing. However, to kill off ticks, the weather must be below 10 degrees Fahrenheit for a sustained number of days. As winters get warmer, tick seasons will last longer, and more people and pets risk getting bitten.

Risks and Symptoms of Tick Bites

Most tick bites are painless, with just a few mild symptoms like redness, swelling, or soreness at the bite. However, some ticks carry and transmit disease-causing bacteria and can lead to Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick-borne relapsing fever, and Tularemia, among others. And even those ticks that don’t transmit disease can have their head or jaws detach from the tick’s body and remain in the host they bite, causing infection. This is why it is critical to learn to remove ticks safely. Of course, because feeding ticks suck blood, bites can lead to anemia.

Unlike most biting insects, ticks bite once and hang on rather than biting in clusters. The more they feed, the larger and more noticeable they become. Harmless tick bites often cause no symptoms or visible signs. Some cause a red bump that looks like a mosquito bite. People who are allergic to tick bites may experience:

  • Painful swelling at the bite
  • A rash
  • A burning sensation
  • Blisters
  • Shortness of breath in extreme cases

However, not all tick bites are so relatively harmless. Symptoms of tick-borne diseases include:

  • Rash at the bite site*
  • Full body rash
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Stiff neck
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Muscle aches
  • Joint pain
  • Swollen lynch nodes
  • A fever spoke around 102 or 103°F
  • Abdominal pain

*A Lyme disease rash looks like a bullseye, with a red bump at the center, surrounded by a ring of paler flesh, surrounded by a reddened ring. If you, a family member, or a pet is showing any of these symptoms following a tick bite, seek prompt medical attention.

Preventative Routine to Best Prepare for Tick Season

Although ticks are found in some of our favorite getaway spots, like the woods, mountains, and beaches, most people get bitten by ticks in their own backyard. Ticks hide and breed in unkempt or overgrown vegetation. So, let’s see how to prepare for tick season:

Your property:

  • Keep your grass well-mown
  • Keep your trees trimmed
  • Keep up with the weeding
  • Remove leaf litter
  • Move swing sets and sandboxes away from shrubs, bushes, and other vegetation
  • Discourage deer and other wildlife
  • Keep fences and other barriers to wildlife in good repair
  • Layer gravel or cedar wood chips between the lawn or garden and any wooded areas
  • Don’t over water; ticks are attracted to moisture
  • Have professional tick control service spray every month

Your pets:

  • Apply a monthly topical flea and tick medication
  • Keep bird feeders and bird baths away from pet areas
  • Carefully inspect your pet’s body each night
  • Give regular baths
  • Launder pet bedding and toys

You and your family:

  • Avoid tall grass and wooded areas, hiking only in the middle of trails
  • Wear lightweight clothing to make it easier to spot ticks on it
  • Wear clothing that completely covers you, tucking pant legs into socks when hiking
  • Treat boots, hiking wear, and camping gear with permethrin
  • Tie back long hair or wear a hat
  • Shower after returning indoors, and carefully inspect your body for ticks, paying particular attention to:
    1. Neck
    2. Under arms
    3. Behind ears
    4. Behind knees
    5. Inside elbow joints
    6. Under hair and on the scalp
    7. Inside the belly button
    8. Around the waist
    9. Groin area

When examining yourself, your kids, and your pets, check the same areas, plus the ears, mouth, and between the toes for your pet. If you find one attached, remove the tick safely, and save it for testing should symptoms develop.

Keeping Your Family Safe During Tick Season

While the ways to prepare for tick season may seem burdensome, they are nothing compared to suffering with a tick-borne disease. According to insurance records, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that “approximately 476,000 Americans are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease every year.”

This accounts only for humans who sought medical care contracting just one of the diseases ticks carry. Don’t let one of your family members, furry or not, become a statistic. Make tick season precautions a regular part of your family’s health care.

Mosquito Joe for Reliable Tick Control Services Near You

Tick season preparations may seem like a heavy lift, but Mosquito Joe is here to help! Not only do we provide effective mosquito control and flea control, but we can also help you rid your property of ticks. Our barrier spray applications target tall grasses, shrubs, plants, and trees where mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks hide and breed. Our professional technicians will tailor our services to meet your property’s specific needs.

As a Neighborly company, we make it our business to become the local experts on the pest issues in neighborhoods across the country. And you can trust that we do our work promptly and efficiently because every visit is backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise™  and the Mosquito Joe® Satisfaction Guarantee!

Don’t Wait for Tick Season – Contact Us Today!

This tick season, protect your family and secure your property for bite-free fun with Mosquito Joe! Call us today at 1-855-275-2563 or contact us online for a free quote or to schedule professional tick control services. Because you and your family deserve to enjoy summer!
