Getting Rid of Gnats and Keeping Them Away


It’s happened to all of us. You forgot about an old piece of fruit or overwatered your houseplants. Now you have a cloud of pesky gnats to deal with. If you’ve ever had a barbecue or garden party invaded by these annoying pests you know they can drive you and your guests crazy, and send everyone running for cover. Gnats are not only annoying; they can infest your home and quickly ruin your outdoor activities. So, what are the best ways to get rid of gnats so they’ll stay gone? To answer this question, we need to get to the bottom of, what is a gnat and where do they come from?

What Is a Gnat?

A gnat is any member of thousands of species of tiny winged insects that fly around, bite, and annoy people. Related to flies, gnats include midges, fruit flies, sandflies, fungus gnats, and many more. Different gnat species bite people, feed on plants, prey on other insects, and suck blood from mammals and reptiles. All species represent hygiene hazards, carrying bacteria, diseases, and allergens. While humans rarely get sick from gnat bites, these pests are annoying, and their bites can hurt and itch. They also contaminate food, clog drains, stunt plant growth, and irritate pets. Other than that, they are a pleasure to have around. Now that you know what a gnat is, here’s what they are attracted to.

What Are Gnats Attracted to?

Gnats are wildly attracted to the two things they need for feeding and reproduction: moisture and decaying organic matter. Any source of still water outdoors or in your home will attract gnats. They often cluster around a clogged drain or overwatered houseplants, which serve as their water source. The scents of decaying fruit, vegetables, flowers, gardens, and floral perfumes or body lotions also draw gnats like magnets. When these conditions exist in your home or yard, this is what attracts gnats the most. It’s like an open invitation for gnats. So the best ways to get rid of gnats always start with ridding your home or property of rotting food, vegetation, and standing water.

How to Get Rid of Gnats in Your House

There are many tricks for getting rid of gnats in your house. But the best ways to get rid of gnats all work better when you first rid your home of what attracts gnats the most: excess water and decaying food. You can get a great start by wiping down the shower, bathtub, sink, and counters when you’re done with them. Make sure your drains run well. And promptly remove any garbage and leftover food, fruits, or vegetables. Then, implement these additional methods for how to get rid of gnats in your house.

Make a Gnat Trap

Making a simple gnat trap is one of the best ways to get rid of gnats. Here are instructions for four easy traps that are highly effective:

  • Mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon of sugar and a few drops of dish soap in a small bowl. Set it in the kitchen or bathroom, wherever you have a gnat problem. The gnats feed on the sweet mixture, then get caught by the soap and drown.
  • If you don’t have apple cider vinegar, use red wine and skip the sugar.
  • Place a piece of overripe fruit in a jar. Cover the opening with plastic wrap, with a few holes poked in. Gnats crawl through the holes to reach the fruit but cannot get back out. Nobody said gnats are smart, just annoying.

Use Flypaper

Yep, good old-fashioned flypaper works well to catch and kill gnats. Just hang the sticky spirals anywhere you see gnats hovering. When they bump into the paper, they become stuck and die. When the paper is full of dead gnats and flies, shudder and discard.

Clean Drains

Gnats can make use of a tiny bit of excess water, like that found in dirty drains. The slime, grime, and organic matter that can collect on the sides of the drain pipe hold water drops that gnats drink from and lay their eggs on.

This drain-cleaning regimen will kill any viable gnat eggs and leave the adults no place to hide:

Combine 1 cup vinegar with ½ cup salt and ½ cup baking soda. Pour it down the problem drain and let it sit overnight. In the morning, flush it down with a large pot of boiling water.

Use an Insecticidal Spray

When you have a bad infestation, one of the best ways to get rid of gnats is to reach for the insecticide spray. Choose wisely if you have pets or small children to keep them safe. There are also some natural options available that won’t harm humans or pets. But a quick spray is a simple way to kill the adult gnats you can hit.

Call a Professional Pest Control Company

Mosquito Joe’s comprehensive pest control services will clear these pesky gnats out of your way. Our gnat exterminators help identify places on your property that harbor or attract gnats. We then apply a spray that kills eggs and adults, interrupting the gnat life cycle to rid your property of these troublesome biters. Once you have cleaned your home and yard of what attracts gnats the most, our professional service is one of the very best ways to get rid of gnats.

Professional pest control eliminates nasty gnat infestations effectively and efficiently. For small, localized issues, there are some DIY approaches that can help stop a few gnats from becoming a significant problem. To clear up a few gnats on your own, we recommend the following approaches.

Lure Gnats to Sticky Cards

Several companies produce bright yellow sticky cards to trap gnats. These cards can be placed near potted plants or in the kitchen where gnats collect. The color attracts gnats to the cards, but a tiny smear of honey can make them even more enticing.

Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a fine powder from fossilized microscopic organisms. The tiny particles shred gnat eggs, larvae, and adults on contact. Sprinkle a layer of DE on top of the soil of your houseplants. This kills the eggs laid on the soil and prevents adults from reaching the soil to lay new eggs.

Drench the Soil

Another simple remedy that’s good for gnats in your house plants is a soil drench using hydrogen peroxide. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with four parts water. Pour over the soil of each plant until it runs out of the drainage holes. The peroxide kills gnat larvae on contact without hurting the plants.

How to Get Rid of Gnats Outdoors

There are several good ways to get rid of gnats outdoors. Here are some actions you can take:

  • Stop overwatering your plants.
  • Fix leaky pipes and faucets.
  • Clean up all dropped fruits and vegetables and weeds that have been pulled.
  • Replace exterior lighting with “bug light bulbs,” yellow bulbs that don’t attract gnats as much as conventional white lighting does.
  • Cover garbage receptacles with a tight lid.
  • Hire a professional gnat control service like Mosquito Joe.

Wave Goodbye to Gnats with Mosquito Joe

For a few gnats, give the DIY approach a try. But the best way to get rid of gnats on a large scale is with Mosquito Joe®. Our gnat control is efficient, effective, and hassle-free. We provide customized pest control services across the country. We do the job right the first time, and all our work is backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise™ and our own Satisfaction Guarantee. We know how to make the outdoors fun again!


What Attracts No-see-Ums to an Area and How to Repel Them


No-see-ums may be tough to see, but they can pack a wicked bite. What are no-see-ums? “No-see-um,” also written noseeum, is a common name given to tiny little bloodsucking insects you rarely notice until you have a burning sensation and a small red welt where it bit you. No-see-ums include biting midges, sandflies, sand gnats, and punkies. Just under three millimeters in length, they can ruin a picnic and drive people indoors on the most beautiful day. So, let’s explore how to get rid of no-see-ums.

What Are No-See-Ums Attracted To?

No-see-ums can find their way inside your home and get right in your face. If one bites you, it will inject saliva that can cause irritation, pain, and itchiness, along with annoying red bumps. For some, these bites are merely irritating, but for others, they can cause painful, long-lasting lesions.

To learn how to get rid of no-see-ums, we first need to know what they are attracted to and the habitat they rely on. Like mosquitoes, no-see-ums thrive in warm, humid conditions outdoors, particularly near a body of water. No-see-ums are generally attracted to wet areas. It doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s saltwater, freshwater, or brackish water; they love all of it.

Some other common attractants for no-see-ums include:

  • Carbon dioxide: This is part of why no-see-ums seem to appear out of nowhere the moment you step outdoors. Every time you exhale, you release carbon dioxide, which is one of the primary things that attracts no-see-ums.
  • Heat (including body heat): No-see-ums are also attracted to heat, and your body emits plenty of that.
  • Body odor: There’s also evidence that odors attract no-see-ums and that one of the most attractive smells is body odor and perspiration.
  • Perfumes: There’s also some evidence that perfumes attract no-see-ums.
    Now that we’ve covered the possible things attracting the little suckers to you, let’s dive into how to get rid of no-see-ums.

What Do No-See-Ums Hate?

So, what are the best no-see-um repellents? Here are some of the things the little biters hate:

  • Essential oils: Camphor, eucalyptus, lemon, and mint oils are not appealing to no-see-ums and can be used in natural repellent mixtures on your body or diffused in your home to keep the biters away.
  • Insect-repellent sprays: These repel no-see-ums and disguise your natural body odor. Try spraying this around doors and windows to dissuade no-see-ums from entering your home. Sprays that contain permethrin, which is also effective against other insects, are the best no-see-um repellent sprays.
  • Insect-repellent lotions: The best no-see-um repellent lotions contain picaridin, which repels no-see-ums for between eight and 14 hours.
  • Insect-repellent devices: Devices that emit allethrin can help repel no-see-ums from your yard or patio.

What Do No-See-Um Bites Look Like?

Similar to mosquitoes, it’s the female no-see-ums that do the biting. No-see-um bites look like clusters of little red dots on your skin. While they can stay small, they often swell, enlarging to one to two inches in diameter, and can become painful and tender. If you don’t know how to get rid of no-see-ums, you may get plenty of opportunities to identify their bites.

For some, these bites last several weeks. In general, most no-see-um bites will itch for at least three or four days, though larger or more tender bumps can cause discomfort for quite a bit longer.

To treat no-see-um bites, wash the area with soap and water and then rub with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. You can also apply hydrocortisone or calamine lotions to soothe the pain and itchiness. If it’s very uncomfortable, apply ice a few times per day until the discomfort goes away. Obviously, it’s better to avoid the bites. So, let’s see how to get rid of no-see-ums.

How to Get Rid of No-See-Ums

If painful and itchy bites are driving you to learn how to get rid of no-see-ums, there are several steps you can take. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

Reduce Moisture: No-see-ums, like most pests, need water for survival, especially during the hot summer months when they are most active. Fix any dripping faucets or leaking sprinklers on your property and be vigilant about eliminating any standing water after it rains.

Eliminate Breeding Grounds: As mentioned, one of the most important ways to get rid of no-see-ums is to eliminate any standing water on your property. Like mosquitoes, no-see-ums require still water, as it is best for breeding. They will lay their eggs in any standing water, such as a lake or pond, and also in water trapped in a bucket, in your gutters, in a tire swing, or in a birdbath. Routinely survey your property, dumping out any standing water, even small amounts.

Use Repellents: The best no-see-um repellants include lotions with picaridin, sprays containing permethrin, and allethrin-emitting devices also work well to keep no-see-ums away.

Trap Them: Figuring out how to get rid of no-see-ums can bring you to high-tech solutions. You can purchase no-see-um traps that attract the biters with carbon dioxide and UV light and then eliminate them with a vacuum or adhesive. For a DIY version, pour some apple cider vinegar into a small bowl or jar. Add a few drops of dish soap. Set it near the insects. The no-see-ums are attracted to the vinegar, but the soap traps and drowns them.

Need Help with No-See-Ums and Other Pests?

One of the best ways to get rid of no-see-ums is through professional gnat pest control from your local Mosquito Joe®. We offer traditional and eco-friendly pest control that effectively help keep pests like no-see-ums and other biters away for up to 30 days.

All our work is backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise™ and the Mosquito Joe guarantee, which ensures your satisfaction. Let’s make the outdoors fun again!

To learn more or to get started, request a free quote today.

No-See-Um FAQ

Are no-see-um bites worse than mosquito bites?

No-see-um bites are smaller than mosquito bites and far more painful. Unlike mosquitoes, no-see-ums have tiny, saw-like teeth. And like a mosquito bite, a no-see-um bite is also very itchy. Even if you are not allergic to the no-see-um bite, the welt may take up to two weeks to go away.

Can no-see-ums bite through clothes?

Biting midges, also known as no-see-ums, are vicious little insects that can bite right through your clothes. While dressing in loose clothing that covers you to the ankles, wrists, and neck can be effective against mosquito bites, no-see-ums can and will bite through clothing. That’s why learning how to get rid of no-see-ums is so critical.

Can no-see-ums infest your house?

While no-see-um infestations are much more likely outdoors, they can infest your home, particularly in water-rich spots like the bathroom, kitchen, or around leaky faucets. Be sure to fix any leaky faucets. Because the little biters are so small, they can find ways in, even through intact window screens. The best way to keep them out of your home is to keep them out of your yard.

Do no-see-ums lay eggs in your skin?

No-see-ums do not lay eggs on your skin, but the females do drink your blood to nourish the eggs they will lay, ensuring another generation of tiny biters.

What is the season for no-see-ums?

Like mosquitoes, no-see-ums thrive in the warm, humid months of summer. They are most active in June and July across the country. But they remain problematic year-round along the Gulf Coast and can reappear whenever the weather is warm.
