How to Plan Successful Backyard Camping

Camping in your backyard can be a delightful activity – as long as everything goes right. However, if you end up with late-night surprises, sunburns, and bugs, there’s a good chance that the family won’t want to do it again. That is why it is so important to plan carefully to make your next backyard camping outing a great experience for everyone.  

In this article, we have laid out a few things that should go into planning backyard camping. By preparing yourself for every eventuality, you can make sure everyone has fun and that it will be an outing to remember. 

Check the Weather Forecast  

No matter what time of year it is, the weather can change quickly. Make sure you know what the weather forecast is so you can plan for the right time to set up your backyard camping outing. If you don’t check the weather in advance you could wind up soaked, which is not a great way to spend your first backyard camping trip. Checking the weather forecast in advance will also keep all your camping gear safe and in good condition for the next time you use it. 

Turn Off Automatic Sprinklers  

If you have automatic sprinklers, make sure you turn them off before setting up your tent on the lawn. Automatic sprinklers are one of those things that people tend to get used to and forget to turn off when they should. The last thing you want is to wake up soaking wet because you didn’t turn off the sprinkler cycle.  

Consider Your Pets 

If you have a dog, most likely the dog will want to sleep outside with you and the family. This can be fun for the kids and the dog alike, and can really bring out a sense of togetherness. A cat, on the other hand, will probably want to stay inside for the night. Make sure the cat has everything it needs for the evening before bedding down so you don’t wake up to midnight meows at the back door.  

Related Topic: How to Keep the Fun in Outdoor Activities for Your Grandkids 


If you’re going to be spending the afternoon out in the yard doing fun activities like frisbee or badminton, make sure that everyone wears sunscreen. A painful and itchy sunburn will put a damper on any camping outing and lessen the likelihood that the kids will want to do it again. Plus, sunscreen is essential for staying safe and healthy out in the sun.  

Bug-Free Campsite  

Before setting up your backyard campsite, take a look around and remove any standing water or leaf debris. Damp or wet areas can become a haven for mosquitoes and other pests, which can be a real downer when it comes to a fun camping experience. It’s a good idea to keep some insect repellent on hand just in case and avoid wearing dark colors. Mosquitoes are less attracted to whites and khakis since they have a harder time seeing them.  

Get a Mosquito Barrier Spray 

One of the best ways to keep your backyard camping trip free of mosquitoes and other pests is to get barrier spray treatments. The professional technicians at Mosquito Joe can treat the perimeter of your home with a safe, long-lasting aerosol that will help keep your backyard camping outing comfortable and fun.  

Related Topic: Meet the Entomology Expert Behind the Science and Research at Mosquito Joe 


Why Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Water


Summer is a time for outdoor activities and relaxation, but the fun can be quickly spoiled by mosquitoes. These insects are not only a nuisance but are also capable of transmitting some nasty diseases. To minimize their presence,  you need to be aware of what attracts them to your property. While there are several factors that contribute to the mosquito population on your property, we’re going to take a closer look at the primary one — water.

So, why are mosquitoes attracted to water? In this article, we’ll explain the reasons and discuss the type of water that is most attractive to mosquitoes.  We’ll also share some tips from our bug experts that will help prevent mosquitoes from ruining all of your outdoor fun.

What Type of Water Attracts Mosquitoes?

Small pond with leaves and lily padsWhy do mosquitoes like water? There are several reasons for this attraction between mosquitoes and water. First, female mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, which serves as their nursery. Standing water provides a suitable habitat for the larvae to develop into adult mosquitoes. Still or stagnant water is preferred for this development period. It is the ideal breeding ground, as it provides a sheltered space that includes ample nutrients for larvae to develop.

Mosquitoes are also attracted to moisture in the air, and water sources provide a humid environment that is essential for their survival. The puddles left behind after heavy rainfall are very attractive to mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are not just attracted to puddles, however. Anywhere that water collects can be a potential attractant for mosquitoes. For example, this can include ornamental ponds, birdbaths, rain barrels, empty flower pots, and clogged gutters. Mosquitoes can reproduce in as little as a few ounces of water, so even a bottle cap can be attractive to mosquitoes.

Why Do Mosquitoes Like Water?

Mosquito on leaf with a drop of waterMosquitoes are attracted to water because it plays a vital role in their life cycle. Female mosquitoes need water to lay their eggs. Mosquito larvae require water for sustenance and to grow to become adult mosquitoes. This is the primary reason that mosquitoes are attracted to water. Mosquitoes find humid environments favorable for breeding, growth, and survival, making them a magnet for these persistent pests.

Other Conditions That Attract Mosquitoes

Standing rain water beneath flower pot outside Are mosquitoes only attracted to water? While water is a crucial factor in the survival of mosquitoes, they are also attracted to warmth and humidity. Mosquitoes are generally not an issue during the cooler months of the year. However, there are some species of mosquito that can survive harsh weather. You can learn more about What Temperature Kills Mosquitoes from our experts.

While there is a relationship between standing water and mosquitoes, they are also attracted to humans and animals due to the carbon dioxide we exhale into the atmosphere. They are also attracted to odors such as lactic acid, ammonia, and other compounds emitted by our bodies. You may be a more likely target if you are exercising or working outdoors and sweating. Wearing dark clothing or strong cologne or perfume will also make you a target.

Mosquitoes can also be attracted to overgrown vegetation and greenery, as this provides a resting place for adult male mosquitoes.

Tips to Prevent Mosquitoes Around Your Home

It’s important to put preventative measures in place to keep mosquitoes at bay and enjoy the summer outdoors. Let’s review some ways to keep mosquitoes away from you, your family, and your pets.

Reduce Standing Water

Stagnant water in pot outside with mosquitos Mosquitoes, gnats, and other insects are attracted to stagnant water. Standing water that has had a chance to grow bacteria and fungus is an ideal habitat and breeding ground for these pests. What’s more, insect eggs are commonly found in standing water, which makes getting rid of it a great way to reduce the number of bugs in your yard.

Regularly inspect your property for standing water and eliminate it. Remove water from flower pots, and ensure proper drainage of containers. Be sure to cover water storage containers with lids or mesh to keep mosquitoes from accessing them.

Clean Your Gutters

Breeding ground for mosquitos in full roof gutter There are places where mosquitoes are attracted to water that you may not immediately see or think about. For instance, standing water can collect in your gutters, turning them into insect nests. They can also fill with debris like twigs, leaves, and dirt, which breed bacteria and create food for some pests. To prevent a bug infestation after heavy rain, clean out your gutters at least once a year. Doing so regularly — and before the rainy season starts — can help prevent insects from thriving and breeding in your yard.

Keep Your Trash Cans Dry

man opening trash can lid outsideWhen trash cans get wet, they hold standing water and turn into sources of food for insects. Moisture encourages bacteria and mold growth, which supports the survival of many pests. To prevent your trash cans from turning into insect breeding grounds, keep your cans covered or in a protected area when it rains.

Keep Your Lawn and Shrubs Short

Man trimming shrubs with garden clippers. Overgrown vegetation creates debris that is attractive to pests. Keep your bushes, lawn, and the surrounding vegetation pruned and cut back year-round so you won’t end up with more pests after it rains. Keeping your yard tidy reduces the number of places for pests to hide.

Drill Holes in Tire Swings

Playset outside with slide and tire swingWater can easily collect at the bottom of a tire swing and become stagnant. Mosquitoes love these areas and will settle in there after heavy rain. To keep the mosquitoes away, drill some holes in the bottom of your tire swing to promote better drainage.

Maintain Pools and Water Features

Outdoor pond with frog fountain If you have a hot tub, swimming pool, fountain, or ornamental pond, it is important to keep it maintained and properly treated. This will prevent mosquito breeding. Be sure to check these water features every few weeks, especially during the spring and summer and after heavy rain. Heavy rains can dilute and limit the effectiveness of any treatment that has been added to help prevent insects from using the water as a breeding ground. Checking them regularly during the spring and summer months will help ensure they remain free of insects.

Use Screens and Nets

Outdoor table and chair beneath mosquito netting. Installing window and door screens can help you enjoy the weather while preventing pests from entering your home. Make use of mosquito nets around outdoor seating or lounging areas. Take your nets camping with you too.

Shield Your Body

Group of friends enjoying the outdoors under tent and outside of rv Wear appropriate clothing in places where mosquitoes may be. They are attracted to dark-colored clothing, so opt for light-colored, loose-fitting clothing that covers your arms and legs. This reduces the amount of skin that is exposed and makes it more difficult for mosquitoes to bite you. Don’t forget to use mosquito repellent that is EPA-approved and contains DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus.

What About Mosquito Repellent Plants?

Mosquito repellant flower outside While they might seem appealing, most mosquito repellent plants don’t actually work well at defending against mosquitoes. Many plants that are said to deter mosquitoes with their scent don’t release enough of it to be truly effective. However, that doesn’t mean they won’t be pleasant to have in your yard or garden. In addition, if you have mosquito repellant plants and feel inspired, you can make your own mosquito repellent at home.

Don’t Let Mosquitoes Ruin Your Outdoor Fun

One of the easiest things you can do to prevent an insect infestation in your yard is to have an expert — like a Mosquito Joe® professional — apply a barrier spray to your shrubs and vegetation. Mosquito Joe will treat your yard with an effective treatment that eliminates mosquitoes and reduces the number of pests in your yard for up to 21 days. With a little help, you can keep your outdoor space protected all year long. Request a free quote today!

FAQs About What Attracts Mosquitoes

Do Birdbaths Attract Mosquitoes?

Yes, mosquitoes are attracted to water in birdbaths. Standing water is their favorite habitat, so that delightful birdbath has the potential to attract and host many of them. If you enjoy watching birds take a bath and don’t want to put your birdbath away during the summer, be sure to check it frequently for mosquito larvae and other insects.

Do Mosquitoes Like Pool Water?

Mosquitoes are attracted to water that they can lay eggs in. The chemicals in pools are not healthy for them. So, if your pool is properly and regularly maintained, it is less likely that mosquitoes will spend time in it. However, pool water that is not well-maintained or becomes stagnant, is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects.


Keep Mosquitoes Out of Your Tire Swing

A tire swing is a quintessential summer accessory. Its budget-friendly materials and easy construction have made it a cornerstone of summer for generations. Making memories is easy and fun with this classic backyard addition.  

While your kids may enjoy the tire swing, unfortunately so do mosquitoes. The interior of the tire, between the sidewalls, is a perfect spot for water to accumulate. It’s also an ideal habitat for mosquitoes to hatch their larvae. A mosquito breeding ground growing in your childrens’ favorite backyard plaything is not ideal. But there are a few things you and your kids can do to keep mosquitoes out of your tire swing before the hatching season starts.   

 Dehydrate Your Tire Swing  

Mosquitoes love areas where water can collect and sit stagnant for long periods of time. To keep mosquito larvae out of your tire swing and away from your backyard activities, address areas where water can accumulate before it becomes a problem. The best way to do this is to drill a few small holes in the bottom of the tire so water can drain out.  

Drill 4-5 holes in the bottom of your tire swing, about 1-2 inches apart. This will ensure there is enough drainage to get rid of any water that might otherwise collect in the bottom of the tire. If you want to get the kids involved, let them help you with the measurements for the holes. 

 Don’t Be Left in the Dark 

Believe it or not, one of the reasons mosquitoes are so attracted to a tire swing is the dark color. Mosquitoes love dark colors, since they are the most likely to trap heat and are the most visible to them. The black color of your tire swing is like rolling out a welcome mat for mosquitoes that says, “this is a great place to lay your eggs and ruin backyard activities.” 

So in this case you don’t have to be a good neighbor. Pull in the ‘welcome’ sign and paint your tire swing a lighter color. White is a great choice. You can even turn it into a fun crafting activity by letting the kids choose from a selection of light colors. Tell them why it’s important to change the color of the tire swing and let them have it with some non-toxic paint.  

Related Topic: What Colors Attract Mosquitoes?

 A Natural Alternative 

While warmer weather usually means more mosquitoes, it also means backyard gardens begin to grow and flourish. Plants and flowers typically attract a variety of animals and insects, some of which can help control the mosquito population.   

Herbs such as lemongrass, mint, and rosemary give off an aroma that can also help reduce the number of mosquitoes in your garden. Garlic, usually reserved for keeping vampires away, can be effective at chasing off the other dreaded bloodsuckers: mosquitoes. Growing these plants can not only help with pest control, it can also be a fun summer hobby that provides a healthy alternative to store-bought produce. 

Related Topic: Do Mosquito Repellant Plants Really Work?

If you want to treat your entire backyard with a natural mosquito barrier, call the professionals at Mosquito Joe. Their concentrated natural barrier spray uses essential oils, such as lemongrass, peppermint or rosemary, and garlic to repel mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas from your property by targeting shrubs, plants, flowers, vegetable gardens, and around ponds where mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas like to rest and feed. It’s an effective natural mosquito repellant that allows you and your family to enjoy a bug-free backyard. 

Getting Back to Fun 

Keeping mosquitoes out of your tire swing is relatively easy compared to keeping mosquitoes from spoiling your backyard fun. For that, consider getting regular mosquito barrier treatments. Call the professionals at Mosquito Joe and have them apply a barrier spray to your entire yard and within 30 minutes you can start enjoying your outdoor activities again. Treatments last for up to 3 weeks and can target potential problem areas. Request a free quote today and let Mosquito Joe make outside fun again! 


New Species of Mosquito Brings a New Threat

In many places throughout the country, the peace and enjoyment of a pleasant evening outdoors is disrupted by annoying, biting mosquitoes. This warm-weather pest can be a real nuisance and put a damper on many outdoor plans and activities. What a lot of people don’t realize is many of these mosquitoes can also carry a variety of diseases that can be transmitted to both humans and pets. Depending on the type of species, some mosquitoes can transmit diseases that result in a lot more than just an itchy rash. One such species will be arriving in certain areas of the country soon, with predictions of more widespread activity throughout this summer.

A New Threat Has Arrived

Scientists have identified a new species of mosquito—Aedes scapularis—that can transmit several nasty diseases. They’re warning residents in specific areas of the country that this new species is capable of transmitting diseases like yellow fever virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, dog heartworm, and other pathogens. This non-native mosquito currently has a wide range, from Texas to parts of South America and throughout much of the Caribbean. It has also become widespread in several South Florida counties, and experts predict many other areas could be highly suitable for the species to thrive and multiply. Researchers, using a process known as ecological niche modeling—a machine-learning algorithm that predicts the potential distribution of the species across regions—identified as many as 16 counties in Florida as “highly suitable.” Other areas like Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, and parts of South Carolina could become potential breeding grounds for the species to spread.

Related Topic: What Can You Eat to Deter Mosquitoes?

Increased Awareness and Vigilance Recommended

As a result of these findings, researchers suggest you take extra precautions when venturing outside during the spring and summer months. Bug sprays and candles can only do so much when it comes to repelling mosquitoes. Here are some other easy-to-follow tips to help you prepare for the upcoming, mosquito-heavy months:

  • Keep vegetation pruned.
  • Remove any standing water.
  • Avoid wearing dark colors at night.
  • Keep pets inside at night.

Heavy vegetation provides an ideal environment for insects. Keep plants and shrubs pruned on a regular basis to help reduce the insect population in your backyard. The same is true for any standing water—the most favorable habitat for mosquitoes to grow. Survey your backyard for any areas where water may accumulate and eliminate them, if possible. When you’re outside, especially during dust and evening hours, avoid wearing colors that are more likely to attract mosquitoes. And finally, try to keep pets inside at night. Pets that are left outside overnight are susceptible to mosquito bites, which can transmit diseases like heartworm.

Related Topic: What Colors Attract Mosquitoes?

Taking Back Control of Your Backyard

Dealing with mosquitoes in the spring and summer has become a yearly ritual for many homeowners. Mosquitoes, even ones that don’t carry harmful diseases, can disrupt a peaceful, enjoyable spring or summer respite by driving both people and pets inside for shelter. But as the weather turns warmer, everyone wants to be outdoors enjoying the summer activities we missed during the winter months. Don’t let the threat of mosquitoes keep you inside this season. Take back control of your backyard with a call to the professionals at Mosquito Joe. They offer a variety of services—barrier spraying, natural treatments, misting systems—that will help you enjoy your backyard and make the outdoors fun again!


Puddle Hunt – Make a Game Out of Mosquito Control

With summertime quickly approaching you are probably starting to think about how you’re going to entertain the kids, get them outside, and off the video screens this summer. Outdoor activities are a great summertime ritual—providing fun for kids and a much-needed break for parents. But nothing ruins plans for outdoor fun like mosquitoes or other insects. The last thing you want to hear is the kids running into the house screaming, “I got bitten by a mosquito!” Suddenly all those fun outdoor activities become indoor chaos. It’s hard enough to get them away from the TV. Once the kids are outside, you have to figure out a way to keep them entertained, or it’s game over, literally.

It’s with this in mind that we devised a way for you to combine entertaining the kids with pest control, all in one fell swoop. The puddle hunt game engages kids, keeps them outside, and helps you get rid of any hot spots where mosquitoes like to lay their eggs.

Eliminating Mosquito Nesting Grounds

One of the best ways to minimize a potential mosquito problem this summer is to be proactive about removing mosquito nesting grounds—like standing water. Eliminating these breeding areas reduces the number of places mosquitos can hatch their eggs, which in turn reduces the number of mosquitos, which means you and your children have a better chance to enjoy outdoor activities this summer.

Mosquitoes live in places like puddles and shallow water. These mosquito havens tend to multiply during springtime as rainwater gathers in bird baths, fountains, plant pots and pool covers. In fact, anywhere water accumulates, and sits is an ideal nursery for mosquitoes to nest and hatch their eggs. This can eventually cause big problems once the weather turns warmer and all those newly hatched mosquitos head out in search of a fresh meal. Removing any standing water in the backyard will go a long way towards reducing the number of mosquitos you’ll be swatting this summer.

Make It a Game

One of the best ways to find all the standing water that has gathered throughout the spring is to create a kind of water scavenger hunt for your kids. Kids love games and are usually always willing to hunt and search for things—think Easter egg, hide-and-go-seek. Making a game out searching for standing water can be fun for them and help you eliminate those less than obvious mosquito hiding places.

This game is one game where the more the merrier. Form teams and foster some good-natured competition by asking the children to identify all the spots where water may have gathered before they turn into mosquito breeding grounds.

Provide Rewards

One way to ensure good results is to develop a reward system. Children typically respond well to prizes and positive recognition. For every puddle they find and drain, set up a reward such as a special treat, an extra 15 minutes of TV before bedtime, or a half-hour more of screen time. Offering such rewards as well as, an explanation of why the game is so important, will make children feel like they are contributing to the plan for summer fun—you get something in return too!

What Else You Can Do

When it comes to preparing your backyard for summer fun there are a few extra precautions you can take to ensure those puddles and standing water don’t return with the next rain. Drilling small holes in things like tire swings and trash cans will provide an outlet for the water to drain reducing the number of potential homes for mosquito larvae. Maybe offer an extra reward for each bucket of water the kids turn upside down, so it can’t fill with water again.

The puddle hunt game is a fun and engaging way for children to help minimize the number of places mosquitos like to lay their eggs. But if you really want to enjoy a bug-free backyard this summer, contact Mosquito Joe and make the outdoors fun again.
