Meet a Joe: Amy Yemm

Post of Meet a Joe: Amy Yemm

*Occasionally we like to provide a blog post that will help you get to know Joe. From our technicians to our Corporate staff to our hardworking franchisees – we think our company is full of people you ought to know!*


Joining us all the way from Arizona, we’d like to introduce Amy Yemm, unofficially known as “Postal Joe.” Amy is the Director of Mailer Programs at Mosquito Joe. Aside from being responsible for millions of pieces of mail each year – you read that correctly, millions of pieces of mail – Amy is a DIY queen and an expert in Excel.


Here are some fun facts about Amy:


What led you to work for Mosquito Joe?

When my previous company restructured and eliminated my specific job, I was looking for a place to work where I could lend my project management skills.


What is your favorite part about your position at Mosquito Joe?

There’s never a dull day, always something new to learn and I get to help owners grow their businesses.


What are the biggest strengths professionally that you bring to the Mosquito Joe team? 

Organization, attention to detail, project management and a little Excel sprinkled on top!


What’s your favorite Mosquito Joe tagline and why? 

Did you mean to donate blood on the way to the mail box?


If they made a movie about your life, who would you want to play you and why?

Julia Roberts, she has experienced a lot in life and uses it to her advantage.


If you could plan your ultimate vacation, where would you go? 

A voyage on the new Titanic. Without the iceberg, of course.


How do you like to spend your time outdoors?

My family and I love to swim in our back yard, and we can often be found at Busch Gardens throughout the summer.


How attracted are mosquitoes to you? 

Fortunately, not very!


If you were shipwrecked, what three items would you want to land on shore with you?

I’m an extremely practical person so I would bring a satellite phone, a spear and a big ole’box of matches!

