Tag Archives: outdoor fun

How to Keep Mosquitoes Away While Camping


Mosquito-Proof Your Campsite

Family sitting around campfire with smores outside of RVA camping trip is the perfect way to spend time with family and friends and de-stress. Here at Mosquito Joe®, we love getting outside and enjoying nature. That’s why packing up the car — or RV — and going camping is one of our favorite ways to unwind and spend time outdoors too.
Whether you and your family are chilling by the campfire, grilling out, playing by the pool, or relaxing in the backyard, mosquitoes and ticks can easily ruin your fun time. But Mosquito Joe knows that pesky outdoor insects aren’t confined to your backyard. While you might be familiar with how to make sure mosquitoes and ticks don’t impose on you and your family when you’re in your backyard, you might not know the best ways to deal with them when you decide to take the family on a road trip. We’ll explore how to keep mosquitoes away while camping so you and your family can spend less time trying to avoid these pesky biters and more time enjoying the great outdoors.

How to Keep Mosquitoes Away While Camping

Camping is a great way to experience nature, enjoy the outdoors, and connect with each other. However, troublesome mosquitoes can quickly turn a great camping experience into an itchy and uncomfortable one. Luckily, there are effective methods of mosquito control for camping that you can deploy to the good times rolling. We explain the best ways to keep mosquitoes away while camping, the types of insect repellent to keep on hand, and even the best type of clothing to wear.

Steps to Mosquito-Proof Your Campsite


Woman standing drinking coffee outside of RV while camping in the woods

Mosquitoes are attracted to standing water, dense vegetation, and warm environments. By taking measures to mosquito-proof your campsite, you can significantly reduce their presence and likelihood of annoying you.

Here are some of our top tips for campsite mosquito control.

Assess Your Campsite

Father and son setting up tent at their campsiteWhen considering how to keep mosquitoes away while camping, the number one thing to look for is standing water. Mosquitoes breed there, so make sure to eliminate any standing water from your campsite. A bottle cap full of water alone can breed over 300 mosquitoes. By removing stagnant water, you will ensure that more mosquitoes won’t appear.

Additionally, set up your campsite away from marshy areas, slow-moving rivers and streams, leaf debris, and heavily wooded areas. These landscapes are more attractive to mosquitoes and ticks; mosquitoes prefer damp areas, while ticks like taking shelter in shady spaces and areas with tall grass.

Choose the Right Equipment

Woman-spraying-mans-legs-with-bug-sprayIf you’re roughing it and spending your camping trip in a tent rather than an RV, having the right tent works wonders for keeping mosquitoes at bay. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a tent for your next camping trip:

  1. Purchase a tent with fine mesh screens. These screens have a tight weave that will keep mosquitoes out while still allowing for proper ventilation.
  2. Choose a tent with a rainfly. A rainfly not only offers protection against the elements but also provides an additional layer of protection against pests. Ensure the rainfly extends beyond the mesh screens for added protection.
  3. Consider a mosquito-proof entrance. Some tents are specially designed with entrances with double zippers and mesh layers. You can also get a tent with built-in bug repellent.

Keep Campsite Bug Repellent on Hand

man and woman hikers trekking through the woods Insect repellents line the shelves of drugstores during the summer months. Purchasing a bug spray that contains DEET will keep mosquitoes from biting while you’re pitching your tent, hiking, or biking.

For even more protection against these pests, pick up an insect repellent that is made with coconut oil compounds. A recent study showed that the fatty acids in coconut oil may be more effective at repelling mosquitoes and ticks than DEET.

You might also consider using essential oils. These extracts not only help you smell fresh while outdoors but can also repel annoying mosquitoes. Rosemary, thyme, eucalyptus, lavender, mint, and tea tree oils are effective insect repellents. These essential oils can act as a natural remedy for itchy mosquito bites. Check out our blog to learn more about how you can use these home remedies to relieve uncomfortable bites!

Wear the Correct Gear

If you plan on hiking, horseback riding, or fishing on your camping trip, be sure to pack and wear clothing that will protect you from mosquitoes and ticks. White and light-colored clothing will make you less attractive to mosquitoes. These pesky insects see dark colors better than light, so stay cool and avoid mosquito bites with light-colored clothing. When roaming in high grasses or heavily wooded areas, wear long pants tucked into socks and closed-toe shoes to prevent insects from attaching to your exposed skin.

Minimize Odors

One of the best tips for how to keep mosquitoes away while camping is to minimize odors. Certain odors emitted by our bodies and various camping items are natural attractants for mosquitoes. Here are some ways to minimize these odors:

  • Avoid fragrant products – Mosquitoes can be drawn to perfumes, scented lotions, and soaps. Use unscented personal care items on your camping trip to avoid drawing mosquitoes to you.
  • Keep your campsite tidy – Keep garbage tightly sealed (or better yet, get rid of it immediately) to prevent odors from attracting mosquitoes. Store food in tightly sealed containers and wash dishes immediately after meals.
  • Use natural mosquito repellent – Certain scents naturally repel mosquitoes. Essential oils such as citronella, eucalyptus, and lavender can help deter mosquitoes. Use them as a bug repellent or set up diffusers around your campsite.
  • Use citronella candles or torches – Assuming you are allowed to burn at your campsite, these candles or torches can be great for keeping mosquitoes away and provide you with a more enjoyable camping experience.

Mosquito-Proof Your Campsite

Camping can be fun and a great experience for the entire family. Taking the steps outlined above will help ensure your camping experience is memorable for all the right reasons. And when it’s time to relax in your outdoor spaces at home, following our advice can help keep mosquitoes and other pests away. If you’re looking for an easier, more efficient way to keep pests away for your outdoor fun, request a free quote from the local bug experts at Mosquito Joe. Because no matter where you spend your time outdoors, we know how to make it fun again!


Mosquito Myths and Facts

At Mosquito Joe, we know how annoying mosquitoes can be, especially when trying to enjoy your backyard with your friends and family. Not only do their bites cause terrible itchiness and irritation, but these pests can also carry diseases. Because mosquitoes are such an annoyance, there have been many theories to explain their behavior, tips and tricks to keep them away and suggested home remedies. To help decipher facts from fiction, Mosquito Joe is here to debunk those myths, so you have all of the important facts about these pests.


Only female mosquitoes bite, while male mosquitoes feed on nectar and plant juices. Female mosquitoes use the protein from the blood she takes from humans and other animals to develop her eggs.


A single female can lay deposits of up to 300 eggs at a time on the water surface. One mosquito can also lay eggs three to four times during their lifetime before dying. That means that a single female mosquito can lay up to 1,200 eggs, all in your backyard in as little as a bottlecap of water.


Unlike some species of bees, mosquitoes do not die after biting a human. In fact, some species are known to bite multiple times throughout the night until they are full. 

For example, when a honey bee strikes, the barb gets stuck in the person or animal being stung, the stinger gets ripped out and the bee dies instantly. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, pierce the skin with a proboscis, or mouthpiece. When the mosquito is done feeding, it doesn’t leave the proboscis behind, so it flies away full and unharmed.


Research has found that people with Type O blood are twice as attractive to mosquitoes than those with Type A blood. Those with Type B fall in the middle. On top of that, 85% of people produce a secretion that signals what blood type they are. So, if you are Type O and a secretor, mosquitoes probably think you’re pretty tasty. You can learn more about why you are a magnet for mosquitoes here.


There are certain fragrances you can apply to your skin, such as lavender and peppermint essential oils to deter mosquitoes from biting you. However, there is no scientific evidence showing that eating certain foods will help naturally repel mosquitoes. 

On the other hand, researchers found that mosquitoes land on beer drinkers significantly more than their non-beer drinking counterparts. Mosquito Joe wants you to have a good time – that’s why we get rid of the buzz so you can enjoy yours.


While sharks only cause 10 deaths per year, mosquitoes cause 750,000 deaths a year. Mosquitoes kill by carrying a host of deadly diseases, such as malaria, West Nile virus, yellow fever and dengue fever. More than half of all mosquito-related deaths can be attributed to malaria, and most of these cases originate in sub-Saharan Africa. Dengue fever is another mosquito-borne illness that is common in Asian and Latin American countries.

You can help put an end to malaria by donating to our partner, Nothing But Nets. For every $10 donated, two-bed nets will be donated to areas in need of protection from this life-threatening disease.


Bugs are attracted to carbon dioxide and water vapor in the breath of mammals, not ultraviolet light. In fact, research shows that yards with bug zappers had higher numbers of female mosquitoes than those without bug zappers. This is because the bug zapper actually kills insects that eat mosquitoes.


Mosquito Joe offers unique solutions to make outside fun again – without the nuisance of pesky mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Our certified and trained technicians visit your property to provide a barrier treatment, delivering effective outdoor pest control treatments to make your yard itch-free.

Tired of battling mosquitoes in your backyard? No contracts are required and your satisfaction is guaranteed. Give us a call at 855-ASK-A-JOE for more information or request a FREE quote at mosquitojoe.com.


Lyme Disease in Pets

Mosquito Joe provides mosquito, tick and flea control treatment to residential and commercial customers across the country. We ensure outside is fun again for our customers’ families and pets by eliminating swatting and scratching. We can all agree that our four-legged friends are near and dear to our hearts so we want to make sure they can enjoy the backyard with their favorite humans without avoiding any health risks or concerns. While we certainly make customers’ yards itch-free with our mosquito barrier treatment, this same service also effectively rids the property of ticks and fleas. This is important for our furry friends as ticks carry Lyme disease, the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the United States.

Transmitted through tick bites, the disease can be difficult to detect and can cause serious and recurring health problems for our pets. Deer ticks, carriers of Lyme disease, are found in forests or grassy, wooded, marshy areas near rivers, lakes or oceans. People or animals may be bitten by deer ticks during outdoor activities such as hiking, camping or while spending time in their backyards. It’s best to be proactive in preventing infection by taking appropriate measures to prevent tick bites, and for dogs, that means vaccinating against the disease. Always remember to ask your local veterinarians office to establish a monthly treatment program.

How to Prevent Lyme Disease

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, “The best way to protect pets from Lyme disease is to take preventive measures to reduce the chance of contracting the disease. Even during the last few weeks of summer, it’s important to remember that pets and people are at greater risk of being infected with Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases such as anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.” Here are a few additional tips to prevent ticks in your backyard:

  • Avoid wooded and tall grassy areas where tick activity is high.
  • Keep your grass cut short and bushes and trees trimmed.
  • Remove wood piles from the home.
  • Move swing sets, sandboxes and other play areas away from wooded areas.
  • Upon returning inside your home after enjoying time outdoors, always check yourself, your children and your pets for ticks. Wash clothing immediately.
  • Use tick-preventative products – check with your veterinarian to find the right products for your pets.
  • Protect your property with a Mosquito Joe barrier treatment so your furry friends can roam your yard worry-free. Our long-lasting treatment works up to 21 days and protects your family and pets from mosquitoes, ticks and fleas.

Symptom in Pets

Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria can travel to different parts of the body and cause problems in specific organs or locations, such as joints, as well as overall illness. Other symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Reduced energy
  • Stiffness, discomfort or pain
  • Swelling of joints

If you see that your dog is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to take them to the veterinarian so they can be tested and treated for Lyme disease.

How are Dogs Tested and Treated?

Once you arrive at the veterinarian, you will need to give a thorough history of your dog’s health and any symptoms they are having. Your veterinarian will run the necessary tests to determine what illness your pet has.  According to the American Kennel Club, “The two blood tests used for Lyme disease testing are called C6 and Quant C6, which can both be performed by your local veterinarian’s office. The C6 antibodies can be detected three to five weeks after an infected tick bites your pet. The next step would be the Quant C6, along with urinalysis to help determine if antibiotics are necessary.”

If the diagnosis is Lyme disease, your dog will be treated as an outpatient and given antibiotics for at least four weeks.

Did you know that ticks will arrive before mosquitoes and hang around after the mosquitoes are gone? Ticks arrive once ground temperature is above 45 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’s important to have a plan in place in advance, and to follow through during the fall.  Mosquito Joe ensures families and their pets are protected from mosquitoes, ticks and fleas. Don’t get ticked off this year – give your local office a call today to get on the schedule.


Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Some of the most exciting moments of the summer occur outdoors. Between sports, backyard barbecues, and sunbathing, there’s never a shortage of things to do! One of the most annoying things about enjoying the outdoors are mosquito bites. Who wants to spend the first few innings of their baseball game swatting? And nothing ruins an outdoor wedding like taking your eyes away from the bride and groom to relieve the itch from a bite. We know how awful mosquito bites can be, so here’s some information on how you and your family can ditch the itch this summer.

Why do mosquito bites itch so much?

Mosquito bites appear when a female mosquito draws blood from a host. (Fun fact: Only female mosquitoes bite!) These bites can appear as small read bumps on the skin or as larger swollen areas. When mosquitoes draw blood, a protein is released into the blood system, causing general irritation of the skin and of course, itching.

We all know the automatic reaction to a mosquito bite is to scratch, however, this can lead to further irritation as scratching can damage the skin and lead to infection. So, what can you do? Here are some DIY remedies you can use:

One of the simplest ways to alleviate the itch of a mosquito bite is to apply a cold compress to the affected area. A small bag of ice can help reduce swelling and redness as well as temporarily soothe any itching. If you don’t have ice, a bag of frozen peas is a great alternative. Don’t worry, we’re not judging!

If you frequently get sunburned, you likely have the next ingredient in your cabinet. Aloe vera is a great, natural anti-septic that can help ease the pain of mosquito bites. You can use aloe vera gel which is available in most supermarkets or, you can get an aloe vera plant and scoop out the fresh gel. Another method is to remove the gel from the plant, blend until it reaches a smooth consistency, pour into an ice tray, and freeze. This makes for an easy application with less mess and a satisfying cooling sensation.

Another remedy that you may have at home is honey. While it’s most famous for being a natural sweetener, honey also has a number of antibiotic properties that can help combat irritation from mosquito bites. Using this ingredient, you can get rid of the itch fast and protect the area from infection.

Typically used in skincare, witch hazel is another household item that can be beneficial for fighting the itch of mosquito bites. Because it is an astringent, witch hazel helps lessen the irritation at the location of the bite.

Using essential oils to treat mosquito bites is a trendier solution. Natural oils such as lavender and tea tree oil help take out the sting and unpleasantness of mosquito bites, not to mention the added benefit of making you smell amazing. Be mindful when using essential oils, as a little goes a long way! You only need a drop or two diluted with a carrier oil (such as jojoba or coconut) or water to do the trick. Using too much can result in further skin irritation. To make this solution a little more convenient, you can create your own essential oil roller!

The most common ways to combat mosquito bites are applying common over-the-counter items such as hydrocortisone or calamine lotion. Both of these medicated creams help to relieve itchiness on contact and provide relief almost instantly.

The best way to protect yourself from mosquito bites is to make sure that your outdoor spaces have been treated by Mosquito Joe! Don’t let mosquito bites ruin your summer. Call Mosquito Joe today to ensure that you can enjoy your backyard without worrying about bites from mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas.


A Day in the Life of a Mosquito Joe Technician

A day in the work life of a pest control technician is a busy one. Mosquito Joe services residential customers as well as commercial properties, but through it all, a technician’s main focus is providing high-quality customer service.

Equipped with the latest and greatest equipment and ongoing support from office staff, our technicians set out to service customers from sun up to sun down, around 5-6 days a week. They are trained mosquito control experts who are truly dedicated to making outside fun again for your family and furry friends.

Morning Cup of Joe

Our technicians arrive to the office around 6am to ensure an early start to their jam-packed day of making outside fun again for customers in their community. Attention to detail is of primary concern in the mosquito control industry, so the first thing Mosquito Joe technicians do before they head out to transform an ordinary yard into an itch-free yard, is check their vehicle to make sure it is fully stocked and the chemicals and tools in their transits are secure.

In efforts to maximize efficiency and time management, technicians follow a tightly gridded area associated with zip codes. Our office managers prepare these “routes” for each transit and conduct a quick huddle to run through the details of the day. Each transit will have 2 technicians, a designated driver and a fully charged tablet and GPS.

“From the office team to the techs that come out to spray, customer service and customer satisfaction combined with GREAT RESULTS and always going the extra mile for clients makes Mosquito Joe of South Miami one of the best companies my wife and I have ever experienced. The spraying reminders, billing process and inquiries are handled with professionalism and expertise, we have referred a few of our friends and neighbors to the service and everyone agrees with us: It’s the best investment in making the outside fun again!”

-Jorge A

Mosquito Joe Transit Arrives

Our technicians will check to see if the customer is home and whether or not the yard is accessible, with all pets indoors. Although we don’t require you to be home when our technicians arrive, we do recommend slight initial interaction for your first spray in order to appropriately assess your yard and identify any problem areas you may or may not be aware of. We pride ourselves off of impeccable customer service and would love to meet you, guide you through the process, answer questions and address any problem areas with you. Next, we’ll canvas the property looking for active larvae populations and potential breeding grounds, and recommend ways to eliminate standing water in your yard.

“Friendly and professional staff. I have used Mosquito Joe for three years and have been able to enjoy my backyard again.”


Busy during the work week? No problem! We’ll leave behind a post-service door hanger at the end of service for you to review upon your return.

What’s the Science Behind an Itch-Free Yard?

Our trained technician will treat your yard with an effective barrier spray that eliminates biters for 21 days. Using a backpack sprayer designed for precise application, your technician targets shrubs and plants with a barrier spray that kills mosquitoes, ticks and fleas on contact and bonds to foliage, where it acts as a mosquito repellent for weeks to come. Wait a short 30 minutes before allowing your children and pets back outside to play!

Sensitive when it comes to your vegetation, ponds and flowerbeds? We’ve got you covered with our all-natural mosquito control treatment. As an alternative to our longer-lasting synthetic treatment, Mosquito Joe offers an all-natural mosquito pest control solution. Also administered through a barrier spray program, our all-natural solution repels mosquitoes immediately, but has less adhesive properties than our synthetic spray. Because of this, the all-natural solution will act as a repellent to deter new mosquitoes for a shorter time period and requires spraying on a 14-day cycle to ensure adequate protection.

“It actually works!! I was skeptical at first. The mosquitoes are so bad here, but not since we’ve had this service. My neighbors also signed up because they noticed that we had no mosquitoes.”

-Lisa R.

That’s a Wrap!

Being a Mosquito Joe technician can be a challenging job, working in harsh conditions with heavy equipment, but it’s very rewarding. Mosquito, tick and flea control is a necessary service and identifying and solving the unique problem areas in each individual yard can graciously improve our customers’ quality of life. Having the ability to give you and your family your yard back is an incredible feeling, and our technicians show up each and every day to do just that.

“Mosquito Joe delivered exactly what they promised. My family and I can actually enjoy our yard and pool area comfortably.”

-Emanuel L.

Is your outside keeping you inside? Contact your local Mosquito Joe today to schedule service for the 2019 season!

“For 8 years we have been battling the mosquito. We have stayed in many beautiful evenings because of the pests. For the first time this year, after one application by Mosquito Joe, we have enjoyed every night this summer sitting on our deck. What a great service!”

Dave F.
